§ 2.2.6. Permit Transfers  

Latest version.
  • (See Section 5001.7 of the International Fire Code Amendments as contained in Appendix F of this Manual.)


    Change of Ownership-Same Location. The transfer of a hazardous materials storage permit will require the completion of the transfer forms signed by the buyer and seller of the permitted facility. Permit transfers are for the transfer of ownership of the permitted facility based on the nature of the pre-existing operations and materials stored. Significant changes in operations and/or storage will require a new permit.


    Change of Location-Same Owner.


    The transfer of a pre-existing permit to a new location requires notification of the Fire Department as to the new location and the submittal of revised facility maps and inventories as required.


    Transfer forms are available at the Fire Department, Engineering Services Section Office, 505 Barton Springs RD, Suite 200.