§ 2.1.0. GENERAL  

Latest version.
  • (See Section 2701.1 of the International Fire Code as amended.)


    The Hazardous Material Storage and Registration Ordinance as incorporated into the 2003 edition of the International Fire Code as Chapter 50, "Hazardous Materials-General Provisions," addresses facilities which handle and store those materials determined to be hazardous in accordance with the parameters outlined in the Fire Code. The Fire Code specifies that a hazardous materials permit shall be obtained if a facility stores over a predetermined limit of either toxic, flammable or reactive materials in either of the three (3) physical states of matter: solid, liquid or gas.


    Chapter 50 titled "Hazardous Materials-General Provisions," and Chapters 51 through 67, which address specific hazardous materials, were developed to address the hazards of hazardous material storage and the potential for accidental release of and emergency responder exposure to same.


    Where no specifications or guidelines are presented in this manual or the Fire Code, the standards contained in the National Fire Codes, 2013 Edition as published by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), will be followed.