Latest version.
  • (A)

    This section provides the City's zoning districts and the corresponding zoning map codes. A zoning district may be referred to by its map code.


    Residential base districts and map codes are as follows:


    Lake Austin residence ..... LA


    rural residence ..... RR


    single-family residence large lot ..... SF-1


    single-family residence standard lot ..... SF-2


    family residence ..... SF-3


    single-family residence small lot ..... SF-4A


    single-family residence condominium site ..... SF-4B


    urban family residence ..... SF-5


    townhouse and condominium residence ..... SF-6


    multifamily residence limited density ..... MF-1


    multifamily residence low density ..... MF-2


    multifamily residence medium density ..... MF-3


    multifamily residence moderate-high density ..... MF-4


    multifamily residence high density ..... MF-5


    multifamily residence highest density ..... MF-6


    mobile home residence ..... MH


    Commercial base districts and map codes are as follows:


    neighborhood office ..... NO


    limited office ..... LO


    general office ..... GO


    commercial recreation ..... CR


    neighborhood commercial ..... LR


    community commercial ..... GR


    lake commercial ..... L


    central business ..... CBD


    downtown mixed use ..... DMU


    warehouse limited office ..... W/LO


    general commercial services ..... CS


    commercial-liquor sales ..... CS-1


    commercial highway services ..... CH


    Industrial base districts and map codes are as follows:


    industrial park ..... IP


    major industry ..... MI


    limited industrial services ..... LI


    research and development ..... R&D


    Special purpose base districts and map codes are as follows:


    development reserve ..... DR


    aviation services ..... AV


    agricultural ..... AG


    planned unit development ..... PUD


    public ..... P


    traditional neighborhood ..... TN


    transit oriented development ..... TOD


    North Burnet/Gateway ..... NBG


    East Riverside Corridor ..... ERC


    Combining districts and map codes are as follows:


    historic landmark ..... H


    historic area ..... HD


    conditional overlay ..... CO


    neighborhood conservation ..... NC


    planned development area ..... PDA


    waterfront overlay ..... WO


    mixed use ..... MU


    vertical mixed use ..... VMU


    vertical mixed use building ..... V


    Capitol view corridor ..... CVC


    Capitol dominance ..... CD


    Congress Avenue CA


    East Sixth/Pecan Street ..... PS


    downtown parks ..... DP


    downtown creeks ..... DC


    convention center ..... CC


    central urban redevelopment ..... CURE


    East Austin ..... EA


    neighborhood plan ..... NP


    university neighborhood overlay ..... UNO

Source: Section 13-2-21; Ord. 990225-70; Ord. 000309-39; Ord. 000406-81; Ord. 031211-11; Ord. 040902-58; Ord. 041202-16; Ord. 20050519-008; Ord. 20060831-068; Ord. 20071101-052; Ord. 20071129-098; Ord. 20090312-035; Ord. 20130509-039.