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  • Warehouse/limited office (W/LO) district is the designation for an office or warehouse use for a building trade or other business that does not require a highly visible location or generate substantial volumes of heavy truck traffic, that generates low or moderate vehicular trips, and that requires less access than a retail use. A W/LO district use may require special measures to be compatible with adjacent uses. A W/LO district use may be located on a site that is adjacent to or near an arterial or major nonresidential collector street, adjacent to a rail line, or near existing or proposed employment uses. A W/LO district use may also be located on a site that functions as a transition between commercial and industrial uses. A W/LO district use may be located adjacent to a residential use only if the density of the residential development is higher than a typical single-family density or if the physical conditions of the site allow for buffering and project design to mitigate potential adverse effects.

Source: Section 13-2-70; Ord. 990225-70; Ord. 031211-11.