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  • (A)

    Annexed property shall be zoned in accordance with the procedures required by state law and this chapter.


    From the date of annexation until the property is zoned, annexed property is designated as an interim rural residence (RR) district except as otherwise provided in this subsection.


    Property that is subject to a planned development area agreement is designated as an interim limited industrial services (LI) district and regulated by the planned development area agreement.


    Property that is included in an approved preliminary plan or final plat for a planned unit development subdivision is designated as an interim planned unit development (PUD) district regulated by the approved plan.


    Property that is located within 1,000 feet landward, measured horizontally, on either side of Lake Austin, from and parallel to the 492.8 foot topographic contour line, is designated as an interim Lake Austin (LA) district.


    Property included in a final plat or an unexpired preliminary plan for a small lot subdivision that was approved under Chapter 25-4 ( Subdivision ) or Chapter 30-2 ( Subdivision Requirements ) is designated as an interim single-family residence small lot (SF-4A) district.


    A lot is designated as an interim single-family residence standard lot (SF-2) district if the lot:


    is smaller than one acre;


    included in a final plat or unexpired preliminary plan approved under Chapter 25-4 ( Subdivision ) or Chapter 30-2 ( Subdivision Requirements ); and


    does not meet the criteria in Subsection (B)(1) through (B)(4) of this section.


    The director of the Planning & Development Review Department may not collect a base zoning application fee between the date of approval of an annexation ordinance and a date one year following the effective date of annexation for property formerly in the ETJ and within the annexed area that:


    has an existing use or planned use as defined by Texas Local Government Code Section 43.002(a) that is not allowed by the interim zoning designated for the property under this Section; and


    is smaller than 25 acres in size.

Source: Section 13-2-26; Ord. 990225-70; Ord. 010607-8; Ord. 031211-11; Ord. 20091210-091; Ord. 20110609-056.