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  • (A)

    An application to designate a structure or site as a historic landmark (H) combining district or an area as a historic area (HD) combining district must demonstrate that the structure, site, or area satisfies the criteria for designation and include the information required by administrative rule.


    A record owner or the record owner's agent filing an application for an owner-initiated historic landmark (H) designation shall affirm that no person involved in the matter was or will be compensated on a contingent fee basis or arrangement.


    Prior to action by the Historic Landmark Commission, a preservation plan submitted as part of an application for a combining district shall be forwarded by the Historic Preservation Officer to the Austin Energy Green Builder (or successor) program for review and written recommendations. These recommendations shall address the opportunity to incorporate sustainable elements listed in Subsection 25-2-356(C). The recommendations shall be provided to all boards and commissions and council prior to public hearing and action on the application.

Source: Ord. 041202-16; Ord. 20060622-128; 20090806-068; Ord. 20100819-065.