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  • (A)

    The Historic Landmark Commission shall consider the criteria established in Section 25-2-352 ( Historic Designation Criteria ) when reviewing an application for a historic landmark (H) or historic area (HD) combining district.


    If the Historic Landmark Commission recommends designation of a historic landmark (H) or historic area (HD) combining district, it shall send a recommendation to the Land Use Commission and the council that includes:


    a statement of the reasons for recommending designation of the district;


    a legal description of the boundary of the district;


    maps, photographs, and histories of the structures, sites, or areas located in the district as required by administrative rule;


    findings that support the criteria for designating the district and that establish the importance of the district; and


    for a historic area (HD) combining district, a historic area district preservation plan and list of designated contributing structures as described in Section 25-2-356 ( Historic Area District Ordinance and Preservation Plan Requirement ).

Source: Ord. 041202-16; Ord. 20060622-128; 20090806-068; Ord. No. 20170928-099 , 10-9-17.