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  • 2.3.1.   Minimum Requirements.

    All PUDs must:


    meet the objectives of the City Code;


    provide for development standards that achieve equal or greater consistency with the goals in Section 1.1 ( General Intent ) than development under the regulations in the Land Development Code;


    provide a total amount of open space that equals or exceeds 10 percent of the residential tracts, 15 percent of the industrial tracts, and 20 percent of the nonresidential tracts within the PUD, except that:


    a detention or filtration area is excluded from the calculation unless it is designed and maintained as an amenity; and


    the required percentage of open space may be reduced for urban property with characteristics that make open space infeasible if other community benefits are provided;


    provide a two-star Austin Energy Green Building Rating;


    be consistent with applicable neighborhood plans, neighborhood conservation combining district regulations, historic area and landmark regulations, and compatible with adjacent property and land uses;


    provide for environmental preservation and protection relating to air quality, water quality, trees, buffer zones and greenbelt areas, critical environmental features, soils, waterways, topography, and the natural and traditional character of the land;


    provide for public facilities and services that are adequate to support the proposed development including school, fire protection, emergency service, and police facilities;


    exceed the minimum landscaping requirements of the City Code;


    provide for appropriate transportation and mass transit connections to areas adjacent to the PUD district and mitigation of adverse cumulative transportation impacts with sidewalks, trails, and roadways;


    prohibit gated roadways;


    protect, enhance and preserve areas that include structures or sites that are of architectural, historical, archaeological, or cultural significance; and


    include at least 10 acres of land, unless the property is characterized by special circumstances, including unique topographic constraints.

    2.3.2.   Additional Requirements.

    In addition to the requirements contained in Section 2.3.1 ( Minimum Requirements ), a PUD containing a retail, commercial, or mixed use development must:


    comply with Chapter 25-2, Subchapter E ( Design Standards and Mixed Use );


    inside the urban roadway boundary depicted in Figure 2, Subchapter E, Chapter 25-2 ( Design Standards and Mixed Use ), comply with the sidewalk standards in Section 2.2.2., Subchapter E, Chapter 25-2 ( Core Transit Corridors: Sidewalks And Building Placement ); and


    pay the tenant relocation fee established under Section 25-1-715 ( Tenant Relocation Assistance—Developer Funded ), if approval of the PUD would allow multi-family redevelopment that may result in tenant displacement; and


    contain pedestrian-oriented uses as defined in Section 25-2-691(C) ( Waterfront Overlay District Uses ) on the first floor of a multi-story commercial or mixed use building.

Source: Ord. 20080618-098; Ord. No. 20160901-050 , Pt. 5, 9-12-16; Ord. No. 20170615-102 , Pt. 2, 6-15-17.