§ 25-2-756. HEIGHT.  

Latest version.
  • (A)

    Except as provided in Subsection (B), maximum heights for structures are prescribed by Appendix C ( University Neighborhood Overlay District Boundaries, Subdistrict Boundaries, And Height Limits ).


    This subsection applies in the outer west campus subdistrict.


    In this subsection, HISTORIC PROPERTY means property zoned historic or listed in the City's historic building survey on October 6, 2008.


    Except as provided in Paragraph (3), a structure with a multi-family residential use or group residential use may exceed by 15 feet the maximum height prescribed by Appendix C ( University Neighborhood Overlay District Boundaries, Subdistrict Boundaries, And Height Limits ) if:


    the structure is located in an area for which the maximum height is at least 50 feet; and


    the multi-family residential use or group residential use, for a period of not less than 40 years from the date a certificate of occupancy is issued, sets aside at least:


    10 percent of the dwelling units or bedrooms on the site to house persons whose household income is at or below 60 percent of the median income in the Austin statistical metropolitan area, as determined by the director of the Neighborhood Housing and Community Development Office;


    10 percent of the dwelling units or bedrooms on the site to house persons whose household income is at or below 50 percent of the median income in the Austin statistical metropolitan area, as determined by the director of the Neighborhood Housing and Community Development Office; and,


    The applicant:


    Pays into the University Neighborhood District Housing Trust Fund a fee of $0.50 for each square foot of net rentable floor area in the multi-family residential use or group residential use development; or,


    Provides an additional 10 percent of the dwelling units or bedrooms on the site to house persons whose household income is at or below 50 percent of the median income in the Austin statistical metropolitan area as determined by the director of the Neighborhood Housing and Community Development Office.


    A building on a lot that has a common side lot line with a historic property may not exceed by more than 20 feet the maximum building height of the base district in which the historic property is located.


    The fee in (b)(iii) above will be adjusted annually in accordance with the Consumer Price Index all Urban Consumers, US City Average, All Items (1982-84=100), as published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the United States Department of Labor or in accordance with any other similar, applicable standard as defined by the director of the Neighborhood Housing and Community Development Office. The city manager shall annually determine the new fee amounts for each fiscal year, beginning October 1, 2014 and report the new fee amounts to the city council.

Source: Ord. 040902-58; Ord. 20080925-039; Ord. 20140213-056, Pt. 1, 2-25-14 .