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  • (A)

    An exterior building wall that faces a street must be at least 24 feet high.


    Except as provided in Subsection (C):


    if an exterior wall of a building is adjacent to a street other than an alley, at a height of 65 feet, the upper portion of the wall must be set back from the property line by a distance of at least 12 feet; and


    if the north side of a building is adjacent to a street other than an alley and is greater than 65 feet in height, the upper portion of the north side of the building must be set back within a building envelope that is formed by a plane that extends from a point on the property line 65 feet high toward the building at an angle of 62 degrees above horizontal.


    Subsection (B) does not apply to up to 15 percent of the length of a building frontage, if that portion of the building frontage is used for an elevator or stairway.


    A parapet may not extend more than five feet above the 65 foot stepback height described in Subsection (B) or more than five feet above the total building height.


    Instead of complying with Subsections (A) through (D), a hotel/motel use in the outer west campus subdistrict must comply with the requirements of this subsection.


    On property fronting Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd., all buildings must fit within an envelope delineated by a 45 degree angle starting at a height of 60 feet above the grade of the property line adjacent to Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. and extending to a maximum height of 85 feet.


    If the property abuts a historic property as defined in Section 25-2-756(B)(1), the property must have open space measuring at least 50 feet deep for at least 50 feet along the street frontage beginning at the common boundary with the historic property. The open space shall contain no buildings, but may contain paving, parking, fountains, fences, patios, terraces, canopies, trellises, and landscaping.


    If parking is provided on the site, 75 percent of the spaces must be below grade.

Source: Ord. 040902-58; Ord. 20080925-039.