§ 25-2-762. SITE ACCESS.  

Latest version.
  • (A)

    Vehicular access to a site from a public street that runs east and west is limited to one curb cut for each 140 feet of street frontage.


    Vehicular access to a site from a public street that runs north and south is limited to two curb cuts.


    Vehicular access to a corner lot must be from a public street or alley that runs north and south.


    A site with access to an alley must use the alley or a parking structure for service and delivery access.


    A site that does not have access to an alley must provide a service and delivery area that is at least 30 feet deep, measured from the front setback line or side setback line, as applicable.


    A driveway turn radius may not exceed 15 feet unless the Fire Chief determines that a larger radius is required because of a fire safety issue.


    The director of the Watershed Protection and Development Review Department may waive or modify a requirement of this section if the director determines that the waiver or modification is necessary for adequate traffic circulation or public safety.

Source: Ord. 040902-58; Ord. 20080925-039.