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  • (A)

    The following provisions of this subchapter do not apply:


    maximum floor-to-area ratios;


    maximum building coverage percentages;


    Article 9 ( Landscaping ); and


    Article 10 ( Compatibility Standards ), if the property is at least 75 feet from the boundary of the university neighborhood overlay district.


    Impervious cover limitations of this subchapter are superseded by this subsection. Maximum impervious cover is:


    100 percent in the inner west campus and Guadalupe subdistricts;


    the greater of 90 percent or the percentage permitted in the base zoning district in the outer west campus subdistrict; and


    the greater of 85 percent or the percentage permitted in the base zoning district in the Dobie subdistrict.


    For a multi-family residential use, minimum site area and open space requirements of this subchapter do not apply.


    Special regulations governing signs in university neighborhood overlay district are in Section 25-10-133 ( University Neighborhood Overlay Zoning District Signs ).

Source: Ord. 040902-58; Ord. 20070726-132.