§ 25-2-710. GOALS AND POLICIES.  

Latest version.
  • Decisions by the accountable official and city boards regarding implementation of this Division shall be guided at all stages by the goals and policies of the Town Lake Corridor Study, including but not limited to the following:


    Ensure that zoning decisions in the Colorado River corridor achieve the highest degree of land use compatibility by:


    eliminating industrial uses from the confluence of Longhorn Dam;


    phasing out resource extraction;


    providing the pubic visual and physical access to the Colorado River.


    Protect, enhance, and interpret natural values and environmentally sensitive areas of the Colorado River Corridor through:


    appropriate mitigation for new development affecting identified landforms; and


    maintenance of natural shorelines and bluffs along the waterfront, except where otherwise required by subdistrict regulations or for necessary stabilization.


    Recognize the potential of the waterfront as an open space connector, form-shaper of urban development, and focal point for lively pedestrian-oriented mixed uses as defined by the subdistrict goals of the Town Lake Corridor Study.

Source: Ord. 20090611-074.