Latest version.
  • (A)

    This section applies in the Lamar subdistrict of the WO combining district.


    The primary setback lines are located:


    100 feet landward from the Town Lake shoreline; and


    90 feet from the Johnson Creek centerline.


    The secondary setback line is located 100 feet landward from the primary setback line that is parallel to the Town Lake shoreline.


    For a structure located within 140 feet of the Johnson Creek centerline, the maximum height is the lower of 35 feet or the maximum height allowed in the base zoning district. For all other structures, the maximum height is the lower of 60 feet or the maximum height allowed in the base zoning district.


    Surface parking is prohibited, except for a parking area for buses, van pooling, the handicapped, or public access to park land.


    A garage access point or curb cut is prohibited if the pattern or alignment of the surrounding, existing sidewalks would be disrupted.

Source: Section 13-2-702(b); Ord. 990225-70; Ord. 000309-39; Ord. 031211-11; Ord. 20090611-074.