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  • (A)

    This subsection applies in the North Shore Central subdistrict of the WO combining district.


    The primary setback lines are located:


    100 feet landward from the Town Lake shoreline;


    60 feet from the Shoal Creek centerline; and


    50 feet from the Waller Creek centerline.


    Surface parking is prohibited, except for a parking area for buses, van pooling, taxis, delivery services, commercial loading, public transportation, the handicapped, or public access to park land.


    The location of a garage access point or curb cut must minimize the disruption of pedestrian traffic on existing sidewalks.


    A structure must fit within an envelope delineated by a 70 degree angle starting at a line 45 feet above the property boundary line nearest Town Lake, Shoal Creek, or Waller Creek, with the base of the angle being a horizontal plane extending from the line parallel to and away from the surface of Town Lake, Shoal Creek, or Waller Creek.


    This subsection applies to a nonresidential use in a building adjacent to Town Lake.


    For a ground level wall that is visible from park land or a public right-of-way that adjoins park land, at least 60 percent of the wall area that is between 2 and 10 feet above grade must be constructed of clear or lightly tinted glass. The glass must allow pedestrians a view of the interior of the building.


    Entry ways or architectural detailing is required to break the continuity of nontransparent basewalls.


    Except for transparent glass required by this subsection, natural building materials are required for an exterior surface visible from park land adjacent to Town Lake.


    A building may not be constructed within 80 feet of the existing east curb line of Congress Avenue south of First Street.

Source: Section 13-2-702(c); Ord. 990225-70; Ord. 000309-39; Ord. 031211-11.