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  • (A)

    This section applies to an electronic testing use.


    In this section, the terms "hazardous waste" and "conditionally exempt small quantity generator" have meanings assigned to them by Texas Administrative Code Title 30, Chapter 335.


    An activity that generates hazardous waste is prohibited, unless the waste is generated by a conditionally exempt small quantity generator.


    An electronic testing use must comply with the requirements for a planned development area prescribed by Section 25-2-648 ( Planned Development Area Performance Standards ).


    An electronic testing use is a conditional use in DMU and CBD base zoning districts, unless the following requirements are met, in which case electronic testing is permitted:


    the building in which the electronic testing use is located is a single-tenant building, but not including any pedestrian-oriented uses on the ground floor;


    the building in which the electronic testing use is located is less than 90 feet in height;


    the building in which the electronic testing use is located does not contain residential uses; and,


    the proposed electronic testing use does not require Group H occupancy, per Chapter 25-12 Article 1 ( Building Code ).

Source: Ord. 020627-Z34; Ord. 20110804-008; 20130620-092.