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  • 2.3.1.   Improvements to Encourage Pedestrian, Bicycle, and Vehicular Connectivity.


    Applicability. The following table summarizes the applicability of this section:

    Standard Applies if the Principal Street Is: Applies to the Following:
    2.3.1. Improvements to Encourage Pedestrian, Bicycle, and Vehicular Connectivity All roadway types - Projects with a net site area of three acres or more in all nonresidential zoning districts
    - Projects with a net site area of less than three acres that have parking between the building and the principal street in all zoning districts





    Vehicular and Pedestrian Connections Between Sites. All sites or developments subject to this section shall:


    Provide private drive or public street connections to existing private drives or public streets on adjacent sites, or stub-outs if connections are not feasible; and


    Where a public street is adjacent to the property line, provide direct pedestrian and bicycle access from that street to a customer entrance. The pedestrian and bicycle access points must be fully accessible during operating hours. (See Figure 31.)

    (See Figure 31 set forth in Exhibit A attached to Ord. 20130606-088; Example of a pedestrian/bicycle connection from sidewalk to building entrance.)


    Additional Measures to Improve Connectivity. All sites or developments subject to this section shall select and comply with at least two of the options in Table B below. However, if a site or development provides surface parking that amounts to more than 125 percent of the parking required in Appendix A ( Tables of Off-Street Parking and Loading Requirements ), the site or development must select and comply with at least three of the options in Table B below.

    Option Description/Comments
    Provide additional pedestrian connections from on-site buildings to adjacent streets. Pedestrian connections must be edged by curb, except where connections cross drive aisles, and should be evenly spaced. One point per pedestrian connection.
    Provide pedestrian and bicycle connections from adjacent parkland. Where public parkland is adjacent to the property line, provide pedestrian and bicycle access from the trail or walkway system on that parkland to the building entrance. The pedestrian and bicycle access points must be fully accessible during operating hours and shall meet city standards for pedestrian and bike ways.
    Provide solar power shading devices in parking lots. Devices shall comply with requirements of administrative rules on this subject.
    Provide pedestrian and bicycle connection to adjacent residential development. If there is a residential development adjacent to the site, provide a pedestrian and bicycle connection to the property line, and to an existing pathway if one is present on the adjacent site. Compliance with this option also may include providing a sidewalk that connects the project site to an adjacent residential development and that runs along a public roadway where no sidewalk currently exists or where the existing sidewalk does not meet the width standards in this Subchapter.
    Exceed applicable sidewalk standards by constructing a sidewalk along a public street frontage to Core Transit Corridor standards. Sidewalks along an ICR may not be used to satisfy this standard.
    Provide a public access easement for the construction of a multi-use trail connecting to or proposed in the City of Austin Trails Master Plan, Austin Parks and Recreation Lone-Range Plan, Sidewalk Master Plan or Bicycle Path. Requires approval of the Director of Public Works.
    Incorporate a transit stop into the project. Review and approval of Capital Metro, or transit provider required.
    Internal utility lines should be located in drive aisles or Internal Circulation Routes, rather than under parking areas. Do not locate utility lines beneath surface parking areas.
    Limit curb cuts. Connections between site and adjacent arterials and highways occur no more frequently than every 330 feet.
    At least 10% of the provided parking is underground or within a parking structure.
    Enhance physical fitness opportunities and multi-modal connectivity by providing shower and locker facilities for employees and increase required bicycle parking by 10%. To comply with this option, the site must meet the shower requirements of LDC Section 25-6-478.
    Provide secure indoor bicycle storage in building or parking structure.
    For sites with a single building, provide shaded sidewalks along 100% of building facing the principal street.
    Provide shaded sidewalks along 100% of all publicly visible building facades.
    Other options as approved by the Director.


Source: Ord. 20060831-068; Ord. 20130606-088; Ord. 20131017-046.