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  • 3.2.1.   Applicability.

    The following table summarizes the applicability of this section:

    Standard Applies if the Principal Street Is: Applies to the Following:
    3.2. Glazing and Facade Relief Requirements All roadway types - Development of any non-residential land use, except for congregate care facilities zoned MF for which the principal street is not a Core Transit Corridor
    - Religious Assembly use shall be exempt from glazing requirements.


    3.2.2.   Glazing and Facade Relief on Building Facades.

    Glazing provides interest for pedestrians, connects the building exterior and interior, puts eyes on the street, promotes reusability, and provides a human-scale element on building facades. Projects subject to this section shall meet the following minimum requirements, but may provide additional glazing and facade relief beyond what is required under this section. Refer to Article 5 for definitions of Glazing and Facade Relief.


    On the facade facing the roadway or Internal Circulation Route where building frontage is provided under the requirements of this Subchapter:


    40 percent of the wall area below ten feet as measured from the finish floor level of this facade's entry shall consist of glazing unless topography, distance or other physical characteristics remove the facade from a close physical connection to the roadway or Internal Circulation Route (See Figure 39.); and

    (See Figure 39 set forth in Exhibit A attached to Ord. 20130606-088; Glazing and facade relief requirements)


    25 percent of the wall area between ten feet and thirty feet as measured from the finish floor level of this facade's entry shall consist of glazing. (See Figure 39.)


    One facade shall be exempt from glazing and facade relief requirements. The exempt facade cannot face a public street or Internal Circulation Route.


    On all other facades, at least 25 percent of the wall area between two and ten feet as measured from the finish floor level of this facade's entry must consist of glazing or facade relief unless vegetative screening, which must be evergreen, is allowed if approved by the Director, and may not be used as glazing option on front-facing facade.


    Any facade that is built up to an interior mid-block property line is not required to have glazing on that facade if no prohibitions and no contractual or legal impediments exist that would prevent a building being constructed on the adjacent property up to the wall of the facade.


    At least one-half of the total area of all glazing on facades that face the principal street shall have a Visible Transmittance (VT) of 0.6 or higher.


    The requirements in this section may be reduced to the extent that the required level or location of glazing conflicts with the standards of the Adopted Energy Code, Building Code, LEED, or the Green Building Program.

Source: Ord. 20060831-068; Ord. 20100408-049; Ord. 20121018-024; Ord. 20130606-088.