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  • (A)

    Each lot within a traditional neighborhood district must be allocated to a particular land use category.


    The amounts of land that must be allocated to particular land use categories, excluding streets, alleys, open spaces, drainage controls, and water quality controls, are as follows:


    For a Neighborhood Center Area:


    Townhouse, condominium, and multi-family uses shall be allocated not less than 20 percent of the land area.


    Commercial uses shall be allocated not less than 20 percent of the land area.


    Civic use shall be allocated not less than five percent of the land area, or one-half acre, whichever is greater. In a traditional neighborhood district of 100 acres or less, the provision of a community meeting hall in the Neighborhood Center satisfies the civic use allocation even if less than one-half acre is used.


    For a Mixed Residential Area:


    Single family residential use shall be allocated not less than 50 percent and not more than 80 percent of the land area.


    Duplex use shall be allocated not more than 10 percent of the land area.


    Townhouse, condominium, and multi-family uses shall be allocated not less than 10 percent of the land area.


    Commercial uses shall be allocated not less than one percent and not more than two percent of the land area.


    Civic uses shall be allocated not less than two percent of the land area.


    A preliminary subdivision plan may not be approved until the director approves a Land Use Allocation Map, submitted by the owner, that allocates a particular land use category to each lot on the preliminary subdivision plan.


    Development and use shall comply with the Land Use Allocation Map.


    The director may approve a revision to a Land Use Allocation Map if the director finds that (a) the revised land uses are appropriate, and (b) the revision does not adversely affect land owners within 200 feet of the boundary line of a revised area.


    A Land Use Allocation Map and the land use allocations required by this section are effective for a period of 50 years after the date the map is first approved by the director.

Source: Section 13-9-45; Ord. 990225-70; Ord. 031211-11.