§ 25-3-192. PERMITS.

Latest version.
  • (A)

    A building permit is required for a structure within a traditional neighborhood district.


    A construction permit is required for development of more than 1000 square feet of site area if a building permit is not otherwise required.


    A plot plan must be submitted with the building or construction permit application. A building or construction permit may not be issued unless a plot plan complies with this chapter and Title 25 (Land Development). A plot plan must provide the following information, if applicable:


    all information required by Chapter 25-11 (Building, Demolition, And Relocation Permits; Special Requirements For Historic Structures) or 25-12 (Technical Codes) to be on a plot plan;


    locations and types of easements;


    the locations of proposed utility connections;


    the 100 year floodplain, as calculated to exist under fully developed conditions in accordance with the Drainage Criteria Manual;


    building location and gross building square footage;


    proposed use that complies with the Land Use Allocation Map;


    number of bedrooms;


    locations, quantity, and dimensions of sidewalks, pedestrian ramps, driveways, parking areas, parking spaces, and off-street loading areas;


    information that shows compliance with accessibility requirements;


    landscaping, screening, and fencing;


    locations of protected trees, significant tree clusters, and 8-inch survey trees;


    an erosion and sedimentation control plan;


    lot size, setbacks, building height, building coverage, and impervious coverage; and


    other information that may be required by administrative rules.


    A building or construction permit may not be issued unless the Architectural Control Committee of the Property Owners' Association has certified that the proposed development complies with the architectural standards.

Source: Section 13-9-102; Ord. 990225-70; Ord. 031211-11; Ord. 041202-16.