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  • (A)

    The director shall conduct a neighborhood traffic analysis for a project proposed in a site development permit application or a zoning or rezoning application if:


    the project has access to a residential local or collector street as described in Subsection (C); and


    one of the following applies:


    the projected number of vehicle trips generated by the project exceeds the vehicle trips per day generated by existing uses by at least 300 vehicle trips per day; or


    the application is for a public primary or secondary educational facility.


    If a current traffic count for an affected street is not available, the director may require the applicant to conduct a traffic count in accordance with procedures established by the city manager.


    In this article, a residential local or collector street is a street:


    that is not an arterial street; and


    along which at least 50 percent of the frontage located:


    1,500 feet or less from the proposed project's property line has an urban family residential district (SF-5) or more restrictive zoning designation; or


    between the property line and the nearest arterial street that is less than 1500 feet from the property line has an SF-5 or more restrictive zoning designation.


    Under this article, residential property in a planned unit development (PUD) zoning district is treated as property in an SF-5 zoning district if the PUD land use plan establishes the density for the residential area at 12.44 units per acre or less.


    Under Subsection (C), each segment of a street that meets the criteria in Subsection (C)(2)(a) or (b) is considered separately.

Source: Sections 13-2-25, 13-5-44(a), 13-5-44(c), and 13-5-46(b); Ord. 990225-70; Ord. 010329-18; Ord. 010607-50; Ord. 031211-11; Ord. 20060504-039; Ord. No. 20160623-090, Pt. 9, 7-4-16 .