Latest version.
  • (A)

    This section applies to parking for motor vehicles and bicycles.


    A person may request an adjustment to the parking requirement for separate uses located on one site or for separate uses located on adjoining or nearby sites and served by a common parking facility.


    To apply for an adjustment under this section, an applicant must submit to the director a site plan and transportation engineering report addressing the following:


    the characteristics of each use and the differences in projected peak parking demand, including days or hours of operation;


    potential reduction in vehicle movements resulting from the multi-purpose use of the parking facility by employees, customers, or residents of the uses served;


    potential improvements in parking facility design, circulation, and access resulting from a joint parking facility;


    compliance with shared parking guidelines in the Transportation Criteria Manual; and


    detail the amount of bicycle parking to be provided.


    In determining whether to approve an adjustment under Subsection (B), the director shall consider the factors included in Subsection (C).


    A decision of the director under this section may be appealed to the Land Use Commission. The decision of the Land Use Commission may be appealed to the city council.


    A parking space subject to adjustment under this section must be located in a parking facility that provides similar use availability for all uses that the parking facility is intended to serve.


    The director shall determine the type and number of bicycle spaces required for a mixed use development at the time that the director determines the bicycle parking requirement under this section, or at the time a request for an adjustment is made under this section.

Source: Sections 13-5-100 and 13-5-102(a)(2); Ord. 990225-70; Ord. 010607-8; Ord. 031120-44; Ord. 031211-11; Ord. 20130523-104.