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  • (A)

    Except as provided in Subsection (B) of this section, the minimum off-street parking required within the area bound by the following roads is 80% of that established by Appendix A ( Table of Off-street parking and Loading Requirements ):


    Highway 183 from Burnet Road to Highway 71;


    Highway 71 from Highway 183 to Loop 1;


    Loop 1 from Highway 71 to Lake Austin Boulevard;


    Lake Austin Boulevard from Loop 1 to Exposition Boulevard;


    Exposition Boulevard from Lake Austin Boulevard to 38th Street;


    38th Street from Exposition Boulevard to Loop 1;


    Loop 1 from 38th Street to RM Road 2222;


    RM Road 2222 from Loop 1 to Mesa Drive;


    Mesa Drive from RM Road 2222 to Spicewood Springs Road;


    Spicewood Springs Road from Mesa Drive to Loop 360;


    Loop 360 from Spicewood Springs Road to Great Hills Trail;


    Great Hills Trail from Loop 360 to Highway 183;


    Highway 183 from Great Hills Trail to Braker Lane;


    Braker Lane from Highway 183 to Burnet Road; and


    Burnet Road from Braker Lane to Highway 183.


    The reduction provided in Subsection (A) does not apply:


    to property in a central business (CBD) district or an area with a TOD district or regulatory plan, downtown mixed use (DMU) district;


    to a commercial, industrial, or civic use in a traditional neighborhood (TN) district;


    to a corner store special use; neighborhood mixed use building special use; commercial, industrial, or civic use portion of a neighborhood urban center special use; or commercial or civic use portion of a residential infill special use;


    to property in the university neighborhood overlay (UNO) district; or


    if the off-street parking requirement has been modified under Section 25-6-473 ( Modification Of Parking Requirement ) or Section 25-6-476 ( Parking For Mixed-Use Developments ).


    Bicycle parking spaces shall be calculated as described by Appendix A ( Tables Of Off-Street Parking And Loading Requirements ) and shall be calculated prior to any reductions approved under this article for motor vehicle parking.


    Except for development that does not require a site plan under Section 25-5-2 ( Site Plan Exemptions ), the required amount of motor vehicle parking is reduced by 10% in accordance with the following requirements:


    For buildings with up to 19,999 square feet of gross floor area, a minimum of one shower and changing facility available to both genders.


    For buildings with 20,000 to 99,999 square feet of gross floor area, a minimum of one shower and changing facility available to each gender.


    For buildings with 100,000 or more square feet of gross floor area, a minimum of two showers and changing facilities available to each gender.


    Except for development that does not require a site plan under Section 25-5-2 ( Site Plan Exemptions ), the minimum off-street parking requirement is reduced by the following amounts:


    One space for each on-street parking space located adjacent to the site on a public street, including spaces on Internal Circulation Routes that meet public street standards;


    Up to 10 percent to preserve significant stands of trees or protected trees in addition to those required to be preserved by the Code, pursuant to protection measures specified in the Environmental Criteria Manual. If the applicant provides more parking spaces than the minimum required, the additional parking spaces may not result in the removal of significant stands of trees or protected trees; and


    Twenty (20) spaces for every car-sharing vehicle provided in a program that complies with the requirements prescribed by the Director by administrative rule.


    Reductions or waivers for parking requirements granted under this section may be combined with other applicable parking reductions in this chapter provided the total reduction for the site does not exceed 40%. Reductions or waivers in excess of 40% of the site's required parking is only permitted in conjunction with compliance of § 25-6-478(D) ( Motor Vehicle Reductions General ) and with the approval by the director with consultation with the director of Public Works.


    If the use of any land, building or structure that satisfies the minimum off-street motor vehicle parking and loading requirements with the inclusion of on-street spaces no longer meets the minimum off-street motor vehicle parking and loading requirements due to the removal of spaces by the City, then the use and site shall be deemed legally non-complying and may continue without requiring the addition of the equivalent number of parking or loading spaces reduced by the City.

Source: Ord. 031120-44; Ord. 031211-11; Ord. 040902-58; Ord. 20060831-068; Ord. 20130523-104; Ord. 20130829-105; Ord. No. 20141106-120, Pt. 1, 11-17-14 .