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  • (A)

    This section applies to a site zoned central business district (CBD) or downtown mixed use (DMU), and public (P) zoning district within the area bounded by Martin Luther King, Jr., Boulevard; IH-35; Lady Bird Lake; and Lamar Boulevard, except for:


    a building with a gross floor area of not more than 10,000 square feet; or


    the renovation of an existing structure, if the director determines that there is not enough space on the site to comply with the requirements of this section.


    The following must be located on-site in accordance with this section:


    a trash receptacle location; and


    an off-street loading facility.


    For a site that is adjacent to an alley:


    the off-street loading facility and trash receptacle location must be accessible from the alley; and


    the use of the alley for loading or unloading is a permitted use.


    For a site that is not adjacent to an alley:


    a curb cut for an off-street loading facility or trash receptacle location may not exceed 30 feet in width;


    a vehicle may not use a public right-of-way to back into or out of an off-street loading facility or trash receptacle location; and


    the off-street loading facility and trash receptacle location:


    must be accessible from a street other than Congress Avenue or Sixth Street;


    may not be visible from a street, except at a curb cut; and


    must be at least 30 feet deep, measured from the front setback line or side setback line as applicable.


    The Land Use Commission may waive a requirement of Subsection (C) or (D) after determining that:


    waiving the requirement does not create a hazard to pedestrians or vehicles; and


    for a waiver of Subsection (D)(3)(b), the applicant has reduced the visibility of the off-street loading facility and trash location to the greatest extent possible.


    The minimum number of loading spaces for development in the CBD or a DMU zoning district is listed on the schedule at the end of Section 25-6-592 (Loading Facility Provisions for the Central Business District (CBD) and a Downtown Mixed Use (DMU) and Public (P) Zoning Districts). For civic uses, the number of loading spaces required shall be determined by the Director. For all other uses not listed in the table contained at the end of Section 25-6-592, the requirements of Appendix A, Part 1 apply.


    Multiple uses or occupancies located in a single building or on one site may be served by a common loading space, if the Director determines that the loading space can adequately serve each use.


    The Director may modify the number and size of spaces required after reviewing documentation provided by the applicant concerning the demand for loading facilities for similar developments.


    Sizes: (feet) 10 × 30 × 14
    10 × 40 × 14
    10 × 55 × 15
    Use: Gross Floor Area
    of Structure
    Required Loading Space
    Per Square Foot
    of Floor Area
    Financial services, business or professional office, meeting 0—10,000 0
    10,001—100,000 1 (10 × 30)
    100,001—200,000 1 (10 × 30) + 1 (10 × 40)
    200,001 or more 1 (10 × 30) + 1 (10 × 40) +
    additional spaces as required by the Director
    Hotel, motel, meeting, convention, or exhibition halls 0—10,000 0
    10,001—150,000 1 (10 × 30)
    150,001—300,000 1 (10 × 30) + 1 (10 × 40)
    300,001—500,000 1 (10 × 30) + 1 (10 × 40) + 1 (10 × 55)
    500,001 or more 1 (10 × 30) + 1 (10 × 40) + 1 (10 × 55) +
    additional spaces as determined by the Director


Source: Section 13-5-106(c); Ord. 990225-70; Ord. 990603-108; Ord. 010607-8; Ord. 031211-11; Ord. 20130411-061; Ord. 20130926-082.