In the watersheds contributing to Barton Springs, no development nor any revision,
extension, or amendment thereof, may be approved unless it is designed, carried out,
and maintained on a site-by-site basis to meet the pollution prevention requirements
set forth below for the life of the project. In order to prevent pollution, impervious
cover for all such development shall be limited to a maximum of 15 percent in the
entire recharge zone, 20 percent of the contributing zone within the Barton Creek
watershed, and 25 percent in the remainder of the contributing zone. The impervious
cover limits shall be calculated on a net site area basis. In addition, runoff from
such development shall be managed through water quality controls and onsite pollution
prevention and assimilation techniques so that no increases occur in the respective
average annual loadings of total suspended solids, total phosphorus, total nitrogen,
chemical oxygen demand, total lead, cadmium, E. coli, volatile organic compounds,
pesticides, and herbicides from the site. For a given project, impervious cover shall
be reduced if needed to assure compliance with these pollutant load restrictions.
Within the watersheds contributing to Barton Springs, Section 25-8-92 (
Critical Water Quality Zones Established
) of the Land Development Code is amended so that in no event shall the boundary of
the critical water quality zone be less than 200 feet from the centerline of a major
waterway or be less than 400 feet from the centerline of the main channel of Barton
Creek. No pollution control structure, or residential or commercial building, may
be constructed in the critical water quality zone in these watersheds.