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  • Within one year of the effective date of this article the City of Austin Environmental and Conservation Services Department shall complete a study, with citizen input, assessing the risk of accidental contamination by toxic or hazardous materials of the Barton Springs Edwards Aquifer and other streams within the City and its extraterritorial jurisdiction. The assessment shall inventory the current and possible future use and transportation of toxic and hazardous materials in and through the City, and shall make recommendations for City actions to reduce the risk of accidental contamination of the Barton Springs Edwards Aquifer and of other water bodies. Within 60 days of completion of the study, and following a public hearing, the city council shall take such actions deemed necessary to minimize risk of accidental contamination of city waters by hazardous or toxic materials.

Source: Section 13-7-36.10; Ord. 990225-70; Ord. 031211-11; Ord. 20060216-045.