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  • (A)

    This section describes the watersheds, aquifers, and water zones that are regulated by this subchapter. A map of these areas is maintained by the Watershed Protection Department and available for inspection at the offices of the Planning and Development Review Department.


    The director of the Watershed Protection Department shall determine the boundaries of the areas described in Subsection (D).


    The director of the Watershed Protection Department may require an applicant to verify the boundary of an area described in Subsection (D). For property within 1,500 feet of an Edwards Aquifer recharge zone boundary, the director of the Watershed Protection Department may require that an applicant provide a certified report from a geologist or hydrologist verifying the boundary location.


    In this subchapter:


    BARTON SPRINGS ZONE means the Barton Creek watershed and all watersheds that contribute recharge to Barton Springs, including those portions of the Williamson, Slaughter, Onion, Bear and Little Bear Creek watersheds located in the Edwards Aquifer recharge or contributing zones.


    BARTON CREEK WATERSHED means the land area that drains to Barton Creek, including Little Barton Creek watershed.


    EDWARDS AQUIFER is the water-bearing substrata that includes the stratigraphic rock units known as the Edwards Group and Georgetown Formation.


    EDWARDS AQUIFER CONTRIBUTING ZONE means all land generally to the west and upstream of the Edwards Aquifer recharge zone that provides drainage into the Edwards Aquifer recharge zone.


    EDWARDS AQUIFER RECHARGE ZONE means all land over the Edwards Aquifer that recharges the aquifer, as determined by the surface exposure of the geologic units comprising the Edwards Aquifer, including the areas overlain with quaternary terrace deposits.


    SOUTH EDWARDS AQUIFER RECHARGE ZONE means the portion of the Edwards Aquifer recharge zone that is located south of the Colorado River and north of the Blanco River.


    SUBURBAN WATERSHEDS include all watersheds not otherwise classified as urban, water supply suburban, or water supply rural watersheds, and include:


    the Brushy, Buttercup, Carson, Cedar, Cottonmouth, Country Club East, Country Club West, Decker, Dry Creek East, Elm Creek, Elm Creek South, Gilleland, Harris Branch, Lake, Lockwood, Maha, Marble, North Fork Dry, Plum, Rattan, Rinard, South Boggy, South Fork Dry, South Brushy, Walnut, and Wilbarger creek watersheds;


    the Colorado River watershed downstream of U.S. 183; and


    those portions of the Onion, Bear, Little Bear, Slaughter, and Williamson creek watersheds not located in the Edwards Aquifer recharge or contributing zones.




    the Blunn, Buttermilk, Boggy, East Bouldin, Fort, Harper Branch, Johnson, Little Walnut, Shoal, Tannehill, Waller, and West Bouldin creek watersheds;


    the north side of the Colorado River watershed from Johnson Creek to U.S. 183; and


    the south side of the Colorado River watershed from Barton Creek to U.S. 183.




    the Lake Travis watershed;


    the Lake Austin watershed, excluding the Bull Creek watershed and the area to the south of Bull Creek and the east of Lake Austin; and


    the Bear West, Bee, Bohl's Hollow, Cedar Hollow, Coldwater, Commons Ford, Connors, Cuernavaca, Harrison Hollow, Hog Pen, Honey, Little Bee, Panther Hollow, Running Deer, St. Stephens, Steiner, and Turkey Creek watersheds.




    the Bull, Eanes, Dry Creek North, Huck's Slough, Taylor Slough North, Taylor Slough South, and West Bull creek watersheds;


    the Lady Bird Lake watershed on the south side of Lady Bird Lake from Barton Creek to Tom Miller Dam;


    the Lady Bird Lake watershed on the north side of Lady Bird Lake from Johnson Creek to Tom Miller Dam; and


    the Lake Austin watershed on the east side of Lake Austin from Tom Miller Dam to Bull Creek.

Source: Section 13-7-3 and 13-2-500(d); Ord. 990225-70; Ord. 000309-39; Ord. 010329-18; Ord. 031211-11; Ord. 20060209-037; Ord. 20131017-046; Ord. No. 20170615-102 , Pt. 6, 6-15-17.