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  • (A)

    An applicant shall file an environmental resource inventory with the director for proposed development located on a tract:


    within the Edwards Aquifer recharge or contributing zone;


    within the Drinking Water Protection Zone;


    containing a water quality transition zone;


    containing a critical water quality zone;


    containing a floodplain; or


    with a gradient of more than 15 percent.


    An environmental resource inventory must:


    identify critical environmental features and propose protection measures for the features;


    provide an environmental justification for spoil disposal locations or roadway alignments;


    propose methods to achieve overland flow;


    describe proposed industrial uses and the pollution abatement program; and


    be completed as prescribed by the Environmental Criteria Manual.


    An environmental resource inventory must include:


    a hydrogeologic report in accordance with Section 25-8-122 ( Hydrogeologic Report );


    a vegetation report in accordance with Section 25-8-123 ( Vegetation Report ); and


    a wastewater report in accordance with Section 25-8-124 ( Wastewater Report ).


    The director of the Watershed Protection Department may permit an applicant to exclude from an environmental resource inventory information required by this section after determining that the information is unnecessary because of the scope and nature of the proposed development.

Source: Section 13-7-28; Ord. 990225-70; Ord. 010329-18; Ord. 031211-11; Ord. 20131017-046; Ord. No. 20170615-102 , Pt. 15, 6-15-17.