§ 1803S.1. The Owner/Developer - Engineer Relationship  

Latest version.
  • The Owner/Developer shall specify in writing the Owner/Developer's representative(s) for the Work who will be responsible for all communications with the City. Once the Contract Documents have been approved by the appropriate plan review department, properly executed and submitted to the Construction Inspection Division of the Department of Public Works for inspection, the Work must not deviate from the Contract Documents, unless supported by a Change Order submitted by the Consulting Engineer and approved as a correction or plan revision by the appropriate plan review department. Minor field adjustments, which do not effect project integrity, cost or construction time; are consistent with the intent of the design and are approved by the Construction Engineer or Director may be allowed by the Inspector. The Owner/Developer may effect changes through the appropriate plan review department, which will forward approved changes to the Construction Inspection Division.

    Only the Director of the Managing Department may accept the Work as complete for the City of Austin or appropriate counties within the City of Austin Extra Territorial Jurisdiction. This acceptance will be exercised only after the Director or designated representative is satisfied that the Work complies with the Contract Documents.

    This specification is applicable for projects or work involving either inch-pound or SI units. Within the text, the inch-pound units are given preference followed by SI units shown within parentheses.