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Standard Specifications Manual |
§ 1803S.3. Authority and Duties of the Inspectors
The Inspectors will be authorized to inspect all work undertaken by the Contractor and all materials furnished to the site and shall be given ingress and egress to all areas of the Work. Inspection activities may extend to all or to any part of the Work and to the preparation or manufacture of the materials to be used on the site. The Inspector will be assigned to the Work, will document/inspect the progress of the work and the manner in which it is being performed and will advise the Contractor and Owner/Developer of any obligations to perform the Work in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents. The Inspector will also report to the Director or designated representative whenever it appears that the materials furnished and the Work performed by the Contractor fail to fulfill the requirements of the Contract Documents.
In case of any dispute arising between the Contractor and the Inspector concerning materials furnished or the performance of the Work, the Inspector will issue to the Owner/Developer and the Contractor a Notice of Unacceptable Work, which will remain in effect until the Work is corrected or the question at issue can be resolved by the Owner/Developer under Item 1803S.14, Objections. The Inspector will not be authorized: (1) to revoke, alter, enlarge or release any requirement of the Contract Documents; (2) to approve or accept any portion of the Work; or (3) to issue instructions contrary to the Contract Documents. The Inspector will in no case: act as superintendent of the Work; perform other duties for the Contractor or interfere with the management of the Work.
The presence of an Inspector on the site shall not relieve the Owner/Developer and the Contractor from full compliance with the Contract Documents.