§ 1805S.4. Public Safety and Convenience  

Latest version.
  • The safety of the public shall be regarded as of prime importance. All portions of the existing public streets adjacent to the Work shall be kept open and shall provide a smooth, safe and comfortable ride to the traffic. It shall be the responsibility of the Owner/Developer to ensure that two-way traffic may safely bypass the construction site and that access is provided to abutting private property. If the street is a one-way street, the Owner/Developer shall ensure that one lane of travel remains available.

    The Owner/Developer shall require the Contractor to plan and execute its operations in a manner that will cause the minimum interference with public traffic and shall require that the Contractor place and maintain in good condition standard barricades at each and all entrances to the Work and at other locations where traffic is rerouted or blocked from using regular public traffic lanes. Barricades and warning signs shall be located in accordance with the latest edition of The State of Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices.

    All barricades and warning signs placed in or adjacent to the public roadway for the purpose of warning or directing traffic shall be installed in accordance with Section 8.5, "Work Zone Safety - Uniform Construction Barricading", of the City of Austin Transportation Criteria Manual.

    The Owner shall require the Contractor to notify, request and receive approval from the Transportation Division of the Transportation, Planning and Sustainability or successor Department at least four (4) days (excluding Saturdays, Sundays or Holidays) in advance of the intention to close or partially block a public roadway or any part thereof located within the City or any construction, which may affect the free flow of public traffic. If the public roadway or any portion thereof is not located within the City, then notification and approval for closure shall be received from the appropriate city, county and/or state representative.

    In the event the Contractor's operations reduce an existing public two-way roadway to less than 20 feet (6 meters) in width, the Contractor shall provide flaggers and shall route traffic through the construction area one lane at a time. A flagger will be required any time it is necessary for construction equipment to move into or across a public traffic lane or at such other times as directed by the Construction Engineer. A flagger shall be utilized to aid the exit of construction equipment from public traffic lanes to the work area and the entry of construction equipment from the work area to public traffic lanes. Flaggers will be properly dressed and operate in accordance with the latest edition of The State of Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices and Section 8.5, "Work Zone Safety - Uniform Construction Barricading", of the City of Austin Transportation Criteria Manual.

    Barricades and signs with flashers shall be erected at each and every entry to the Work to notify and warn the public that the area is under private construction and should be entered only at their own risk. Reflectorized regulatory signs shall be installed on each side of each and every entry road in the right-of-way with the legend, "Private Road, Enter at Own Risk". The signs shall be the size and color combination indicated for sign R-11-2 of the latest edition of The State of Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices and shall be mounted on Type III barricades (City of Austin Standard Detail No. 804S-5, sheet 3 of 11). If there is insufficient room in which to place the Type III Barricade, two nominal 4x4 inch (100x100 mm) posts may be used for the installation of the sign in lieu of mounting the sign on a barricade. A standard stop sign shall be installed on the right side of each existing roadway at its point of intercept with a public roadway.

    These barricades and signs shall be maintained in a clean and good condition until the Work is accepted by the City of Austin, when all but the stop signs may be removed by the Owner/Developer. If at any time during the performance of the Work the Owner/Developer allows these traffic control measures to deteriorate to a condition unacceptable to the Director, the Owner/Developer will be issued a Written Notice to repair or replace the traffic control measures. If the conditions remain the same or worsen within 1 hour after the Written Notice has been served, the Director may authorize City of Austin personnel or private contractual personnel to restore the barricades, signs and flashers to a safe condition. Continued neglect by the Owner/Developer may result in the suspension of permits and initiation of legal restraints. The Owner/Developer will be required to make monetary restitution for City personnel or contractual costs for the restoration of the barricades, signs and/or flashers to a safe condition before the City of Austin will take final acceptance.