This appendix provides the necessary information for preparing an input data set for an Municipal Flexible Pavement Design (MFPS-1) pavement design solution. It illustrates the overall input data structure for a single solution. There are ten card images, each beginning with a four (4) letter descriptor which identifies the type of information contained on each card image. Inspection of the figure shows that each variable in the input structure has an assigned name or acronym that corresponds to the variable descriptions presented later.
It is important to recognize that any variable appearing between columns 5 and 10 (with the exception of the first card image) is considered an "integer" variable and must therefore be entered right-justified in its field and must not have a decimal point. With the exception of the first card image, all variables between columns 11 and 70 are "real" variables and should (for checking purposes) be right-justified and input with a decimal point. Three (3) variables "NPROB" and "TITLE" on card 1 and "DESLAY" on card 3 are known as alphanumeric variables and may consist of any combination of letters, numbers or other display characters between columns 11 and 80.
Other important notes relative to the subsequent input variable descriptions are as follows:
Abbreviations for symbols used:
col. - column numbers LF - linear foot SY - square yard CY - cubic yard LM - lane mile psi - pounds per square inch pci - pounds per cubic inch mph - miles per hour $ - U. S. dollars 2.
A [default] is the value of the variable that will be assigned by the program if left undefined (blank or equal to zero (0) by the user.
To demonstrate the Municipal Flexible Pavement Design - 1 program, example input data and the corresponding Municipal Flexible Pavement Design - 1 output are included at the end of this appendix.
Municipal Flexible Pavement Design (MFPS-1) Input Variable Descriptions Card Image 1: Problem (PROB) Card Image NPROB = Problem number, alphanumeric, col. 5-10. TITLE = Problem description, alphanumeric, col. 11-80. Card Image 2: New Pavement (PAVT) Card Image NLANES = Total number of lanes in the facility (both directions), integer, col. 5-6. NCURB = Total number of concrete curbs in the facility (0, 2 or 4), integer, col. 8. NM = Number of layer "materials" considered in this problem, integer, col. 9-10. XLW = Lane width (feet), real, col. 16-20. [Default = 12.0] HCURB = Curb height (inches), real, col. 21-25. [Default = 6.0.] CURBCC = Concrete curb construction cost ($/LF), real, col. 26-30. TEFIXC = Thickened edge fixed cost ($/LF), real, col. 31-35. TEINCC = Thickened edge incremental cost ($/inch/LF) real, col. 36-40. Card Image 3: Layer (LAYR) Card Image There should be NM of these card images; one (1) for each layer in the structure. LN = Layer number (starting from the top), integer, col. 5-6. CODE = Layer code (single letter designation), alphanumeric; col. 8. THMIN = Minimum layer thickness (inches), real, col. 11-15. THMAX = Maximum layer thickness (inches), real, col. 16-20. THINC = Layer thickness increment (inches), real, col. 21-25. CPCY = Layer construction cost ($/CY), real, col. 26-30. CPSY = Additional layer cost ($/SY), real, col. 31-35. PSV = Layer salvage value (percent), real, col. 36-40. SC = Layer stiffness coefficient, real, col. 41-45. DESLAY = Layer description, alphanumeric, col. 46-60. Card Image 4: Subgrade (SUBG) Card Image PROBSW = Swelling probability, real, col. 11-15. SWRATE = Swelling rate constant, real, col. 16-20. PVR = Potential vertical rise (inches), real, col. 21-25. SGEXC = Subgrade excavation cost ($/CY), real, col. 26-30. SGCSY = Additional subgrade cost ($/SY), real, col. 31-35. SCOS = Subgrade stiffness coefficient, real, col. 41-45. Card Image 5: Asphalt Concrete Overlay (ACOV) Card Image TOVMIN = Minimum AC overlay thickness (inches), real, col. 11-15 [Default = 1.5] TOVMAX = Maximum total AC overlay thickness (inches), real, col. 16-20. [Default = 0.5] THLEV = Average AC overlay level-up thickness (inches), real, col. 21-25 [Default = 0.5]. CPCYOV = AC overlay construction cost ($/CY), real, col. 26-30. CPSYOV = Additional overlay cost ($/SY), real, col. 26-30. PSVOV = AC overlay salvage value (percent), real, col. 36-40. SCOV = AC overlay stiffness coefficient, real, col. 41-45. TAPOEC = Tapering cost for first overlay ($/LF), real, col. 46-50. SMILLC = Overlay edge milling cost ($/LF), real, col. 51-55. OVPR = AC production rate (CY/hour), real, col. 56-60. [Default = 40.] Card Image 6: Design Constraints (DCON) Card Image LEVCON = Confidence level index, integer, col. 6. = 1, Confidence level = 99.9 percent. = 2, Confidence level = 99 percent. = 3, Confidence level = 98 percent. = 4, Confidence level = 95 percent. = 5, Confidence level = 90 percent. [Default.] = 6, Confidence level = 85 percent. = 7, Confidence level = 80 percent. = 8, Confidence level = 75 percent. = 9, Confidence level = 50 percent. CL = Analysis period (years), real, col. 11-15. [Default = 20.] XTTO = Minimum time to first overlay (years), real, col. 16-20.Recommended value is 20 years. [Default = 10.] XTBO = Minimum time between overlays (years), real, col. 21-25. [Default = 5.] TMAX = Maximum thickness of initial construction (inches), real, col. 26-30. [Default = 30.] CMAX = Maximum fund available for initial construction ($/SY), real, col. 31-35. [Default = 50.] PCTRAT = Discount rate (percent), real, col. 36-40. [Default = 5.] Card Image 7: Performance (PERF) Card Image PSI = Serviceability index after initial construction, real, col. 11-15. [Default = 4.2.] P2 = Terminal serviceability index, real, col. 16-20. [Default = 2.5.] P1 = Serviceability index after AC overlay, real, col. 21-25. [Default = 4.0.] Card Image 8: Maintenance (MANT) Card Image CM1 = First year cost of routine maintenance ($/LM), real, col. 11-15. CM2 = Annual incremental increase in maintenance ($/LM/year), real, col. 16-20. Card Image 9: Traffic (TRAF) Card Image ADTGR = Average daily traffic growth rate (percent/year), real, col. 11-15. DDF = Directional distribution factor (percent), real, col. 16-20. [Default = 50.] DFL = Lane distribution factor (percent), real, col. 21-25. [Default = 90.] PCTRUK = Percent trucks in initial average daily traffic, real, col. 26-30. EF18K = 18-kip flexible pavement equivalency factor for average city truck, col. 31-35. ADTO = Initial average daily traffic (vehicles per day), real, col. 51-60. Card Image 10: Traffic Delay (TRFD) Card Image MODEL = Detour model number, integer, col. 6. [Default = 3.] NLRO = Number of open lanes through restricted zone in overlay direction, integer, col. 8. [Default = 1.] NLRN = Number of open lanes through restricted zone in nonoverlay direction, integer, col. 10. [Default = 2.] AAS = Average approach speed to overlay zone (mph), real, col. 11-15. [Default = 40.] ASO = Average speed through restricted zone in overlay direction (mph), col. 16-20. [Default = 15.] ASN = Average speed through restricted zone in nonoverlay direction (mph), col. 21-25. [Default = 40.] XLSO = Distance traffic is slowed in overlay direction (miles), real, col. 26-30. [Default = 1.0.] XLSN = Distance traffic is slowed in nonoverlay direction (miles), real, col. 31-35. [Default = 0.0.] XLSD = Detour distance around overlay zone for detour model 5 (miles), real, col. 36-40. [Default = 1.0.] HPD = Number of hours per day overlay construction occurs, real, col. 41-45. [Default = 7.] PROP = Proportion of ADT arriving each construction hour (percent), real, col. 46-50. Figure A-1 Input Data Structure for MFPS-1
MFPS-1 Code Sheet
MFPS-1 Input Data Structure
MFPS-1 Input Data Structure (continued)
MFPS-1 Output, Page 1
MFPS-1 Output, Page 2
MFPS-1 Output, Page 3