§ 12.2.1. Network Provider Responsibilities  

Latest version.
  • A.

    A network provider shall be responsible and liable for the acts, submissions and omissions of the network provider's employees, temporary employees, officers, directors, consultants, agents, affiliates, subsidiaries, authorized agents, authorized joint licensees, and subcontractors.


    A network provider shall provide and maintain current contact information for an authorized representative to participate in regularly scheduled Austin Utility Location and Coordination Committee (AULCC) meetings.


    A network provider must submit an application to place a network node in the public right-of-way. In addition to the right-of-way permit, a network provider must follow the application process to collocate on a pole or place a node support pole in the public right-of-way. The application to place a network node in a public right-of-way can be submitted at the same time and with an application to construct a network node support pole or collocate on a service pole. Application forms are available from the director.


    If the director determines that due to the absence or inaccuracy of essential information provided, a network provider has failed to submit an application in good faith, the submission is not an application and the director may reject the submission without an obligation to comment on completeness.


    A network provider shall not install a facility in public right-of-way without all applicable approvals, including, but not limited to: attachment agreements, node support pole permits, temporary use of right-of-way permits, excavation permits, electrical permits, etc.


    Accuracy and compliance of the plans is the responsibility of the network provider and the professional engineer of record. The network provider is responsible for bringing any installation into compliance with all applicable laws and regulations at any time.