Appendix 12.7. Design Standards  

§ 12.7.1. Design Standards City-Wide
Appendix 12.7.2. Design District Requirements
§ Downtown Austin District
§ University Neighborhood Overlay
§ Core Transit Corridors, Waterfront Overlay, Special Regulating Districts, Planned Unit Developments (PUD), and Planned Development Agreements (PDA)
§ 12.7.3. Historic Districts
§ 12.7.4. Historic Landmarks

The intent of the design standards is to ensure that the installation of network nodes, node support poles, and equipment cabinets is compatible with existing land use and urban design regulations.

The design standards in this section apply to the installation of network nodes, node support poles, cabinets, and associated equipment within public right-of-way throughout the City unless more specific design elements, concealment measure, or camouflage requirements are set out for a specific design or historic district. A design district is an area within the City with a zoning classification or other City Code designation for which unique design and aesthetic standards are applied uniformly. Design districts include, but are not limited to:


the Central Business District (CBD);


numerous Planned Unit Developments, Neighborhood Conservation Combining Districts, Planned Development Agreements, Master Development Agreements, and small-area Regulating Plans;


the Waterfront Overlay District;


neighborhoods subject to the Residential Design and Compatibility Standards and/or adopted neighborhood plans;


numerous historically significant districts, such as the East 6th/Pecan Street Overlay, Castle Hill Historic District, and general Historic District and Historic Area Combining Districts;


the University Neighborhood Overlay District;


the Lake Austin Overlay District;


the Traditional Neighborhood District; and


commercial and multi-family development subject to standards codified as "Design Standards and Mixed Use."