§ 12.7.3. Historic Districts  

Latest version.
  • A.

    The City of Austin has both locally designated historic districts and National Register Historic Districts. Properties in Local Historic Districts are indicated by the addition of "HD" in the zoning designation for each parcel. National Register Historic Districts are administered by the Texas Historical Commission. A list of contributing properties and district maps can be found on the City of Austin's Historic Districts webpage. Nothing in this section is a local allowance or variance from approval under applicable federal law and regulations implementing the National Historic Preservation Act.


    Node support poles shall be placed within the planting zone and aligned with any existing trees or poles. Node support poles shall be placed between street trees, with a minimum separation of 15 feet from tree to pole.


    Node support poles may not be placed in the public right-of-way within the Congress Avenue, Bremond Block, or Sixth Street National Register Historic Districts.


    Network nodes may not be placed on historic or decorative poles.


    Network Node and Node Support Pole Design - Network nodes and node support poles must be designed to be compact and unobtrusive so as to minimize the visual impact on the surrounding streetscape. The applicant shall avoid using enclosures that are bulky or include distracting materials.


    Placement - Nodes and equipment should be grouped or stacked close together on the same side of the pole. Large gaps between equipment and enclosures should be avoided.


    The color of a new node placed on any existing pole must match the color of the existing pole. For new poles in districts with a designated historic pole, the pole and node shall match the color of the designated historic pole for that district.


    Cabinet Placement and Design - Equipment cabinets may be mounted to the pole, placed in the designated street furniture area, or located underground. Cabinets placed on poles must be located at least nine feet above ground level and follow the design standards described above in subsection E. The center of the cabinets must be located the same distance from the face of curb as street trees and service poles. Cabinets shall be designed to be unobtrusive and compatible with the surrounding environment.