§ 1.3.3. Amendments To Austin Metropolitan Area Transportation Plan Roadway Element

Latest version.
  • A.

    Procedure for Amendments.


    Proposed amendments to the Roadway Element for any roads on the State roadway system shall be submitted directly to the Austin Transportation Study for consideration by the Policy Advisory Committee. The City of Austin will consider proposed amendments for remaining roadways in the Roadway Element that are within the City's five-mile extraterritorial jurisdiction.


    An amendment to the Roadway Element is necessary if:


    A new arterial road is to be added,


    An arterial road or portion of a road is to be deleted, or extended beyond its current limits,


    The classification, rights-of-way, or cross-section of an arterial road or portion of a road is to be changed, or


    The alignment of an arterial road is to be moved in excess of 1500 feet.


    Proposed amendments to the Roadway Element are processed in batches approximately three times per year unless otherwise directed by the City Council.


    Applicants submit their request to amend the Roadway Element to the Department of Planning, Environment and Conservation Services by submitting six copies of the following and the appropriate filing fee.


    Letter of Request;


    A map showing the proposed change and modification; and


    Documentation of justification for amendment (refer to "B" below).

    The request is assigned a Case number: Example: C2-86-01. "C" stands for "Case; "2" identifies "Master Plan"; "86" represents the year the change was requested; "01" identifies the sequence number of the change for that year. A meeting with the appropriate staff and the applicant will be scheduled to determine the scope of documentation information that is needed (refer to "B" below) to review the proposed amendment.


    The proposed amendment is reviewed by affected departments and agencies.


    The proposed amendment is scheduled for consideration by the Environmental Board, The Urban Transportation Commission, and the Planning Commission.


    Public hearing notices for Planning Commission consideration are mailed to affected public officials, property owners, neighborhood associations, and interested citizens.


    After action by the Planning Commission, the proposed amendments and recommendations are scheduled for a public hearing before the City Council.


    An official public notice is printed in the Austin American-Statesman newspaper on the Sunday and Monday before the public hearing scheduled by the City Council.


    City Council takes action on the proposed amendments.


    Results of City Council action are provided to the Austin Transportation Study.


    Justification for Amendment. The proposed amendment request shall include the following information:


    The existing or currently-adopted alignments and the proposed alignments on City of Austin topographic maps, or USGS maps (1 inch = 2000 feet),


    A drawing or sketch of the existing or currently-adopted cross-section and the proposed cross-section consistent with current City of Austin street design standards (including rights-of-way), if it is proposed to be changed,


    Locations of existing structures, historic and/or archaeological sites, all known significant and/or sensitive environmental features, steep slopes (proposed grades in excess of 6 percent identified), areas of significant topographic/engineering constraints (sight-distance, intersection geometrics, cut/fill sections, bridges and other physical structures) and extent of 100-year floodplain,


    Copies of any relevant traffic or transportation studies, such as traffic impact analyses or travel demand forecasts,


    Names and addresses of adjacent property owners and affected neighborhood associations, and,


    If necessary, maps to identify property ownership (tax plats) to ensure proper notification.

    The proposed amendment request should include a report that evaluates the following:


    The need for the proposed amendment and the problem it will solve,


    The compatibility of the proposed amendment with the Austin Metropolitan Area Transportation Plan (which policies will be reinforced and/or in conflict),


    The effect of the proposed amendment on economic development (including positive and negative economic impacts), the effect of the proposed amendment on tax revenues and public expenditures and the probable source of project financing,


    The environmental impacts of the proposed amendment on air quality, noise pollution, water quality, threatened or endangered species, fauna and flora, and any other significant geologic or topographic constraints,


    Any changes in neighborhoods (positive and negative social impacts) associated with the proposed amendment, potential changes in travel patterns and accessibility (all modes of travel), potential impacts on major public and private facilities, and potential relocation impacts if necessary, and,


    Measures of traffic mobility and safety with and without the proposed amendment (level of service, vehicle hours of delay, vehicle miles of travel, intersection delay, accident data, cyclist and pedestrian safety, compatibility with existing and proposed transit service).