Latest version.
  • The applicant is responsible for contacting the Transportation Review Section staff of the Watershed Protection and Development Review Department before a development application is submitted to determine the proposed trip generation for the site and confirm whether a TIA will be required. Trip generation shall be calculated based on the criteria in Section 2.3.2A below.

    If a TIA is required, a preliminary meeting must be held to discuss the scope of the TIA and the requirements for TIA content and format.

    The applicant is responsible for submitting five (5) copies of the TIA report at the time that a development application is submitted. Up to 15 additional copies may be required if needed for the planning commission or other review boards.

    If the applicant fails to comply with the technical requirements and the scope of study outlined in the preliminary meeting, the applicant will be advised in writing that an addendum is needed. An addendum must be submitted 18 working days or 26 calendar days prior to the date on which the project is scheduled for consideration by the City of Austin Planning Commission or the Urban Transportation Commission. If the TIA addendum is not submitted within this time frame and the staff does not have adequate time to review the report and submit comments to be included in the commission agenda packet, the development request may be postponed to the next scheduled commission meeting. Minor corrections or changes to the TIA, as determined by the Director of Planning and Development, will not be subject to a TIA addendum fee.

    Applicants will be assessed a review fee for TIA reports according to the latest fee schedule adopted by City Council. The review fee for TIA addenda is ½ the regular fee.

    After the TIA and any addenda have been approved by the staff, three (3) copies of the final version of the TIA incorporating all corrections and additions must be submitted as a permanent file record. A final TIA for a zoning case must be submitted before third reading of the rezoning by the City Council. A final TIA for a site plan must be submitted before release of the site plan.