§ 6.3.1. Pedestrian and Separator Railing  

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  • A.

    This section of the Transportation Criteria Manual (TCM) describes the requirements of the City of Austin relative to pedestrian and separator railing. In order to maintain consistency and safety to the general public, the TxDOT "Bridge Railing Manual" (BRM, see http://manuals.dot.state.tx.us/dynaweb/colbridg/rlg ) is hereby included by reference as a requirement within the jurisdiction of the City of Austin. The City of Austin's TCM will provide supplementary and complementary information and requirements to the TxDOT document. When there are differences between BRM and TCM, the more restrictive or conservative of the two shall be required.


    The "AREA OF INFLUENCE" for pedestrian railing purposes shall be defined as the five-foot (5') strip of area parallel and adjacent to sidewalks, on either or both sides, if applicable.


    On roadway or bridge sections, if any portion of the area of influence will include side slopes (interim or final) steeper than three (3) horizontal to one (1) vertical, then a pedestrian railing shall be required.


    On roadway or bridge sections, if there is or will be a vertical dropoff of more than two (2) inches anywhere in the area of influence (exclusive of curb and gutter), then a pedestrian railing shall be required.


    For projects proposing the installation of publicly maintained improvements in the right-of-way or easements, pedestrian railing shall be one of the following Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) standard drawings: "Pedestrian Rail, Type PR1"; "Pedestrian Rail, Type PR2" or a railing approved by the Engineer or designated representative. Responsibility for the appropriate selection and application of these standard railings remains with the licensed professional engineer who specifies them.


    For bridges with a design or operating speed above forty-five (45) mph, a separator railing is required to shield pedestrians from vehicles. In order to maintain comsistency and safety to the general public, refer to the TxDOT "Bridge Railing Manual" (BRM, at http://manuals.dot.state.tx.us/dynaweb/colbridg/rlg ), Chapter 5, Section 2, "Bridge Railing for Pedestrians".


    Any bridge with a design or operating speed of forty-five (45) mph or less shall be considered a "low speed" facility and shall generally not require a separator railing shielding pedestrians from vehicles.