§ 7.3.2. Design Criteria for Type II and Type III Bikeways  

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  • A.


    In order to prevent encroachment conflicts, adequate vertical and horizontal clearances must be provided. The minimum vertical clearance for overhead obstructions is eight (8) feet. The minimum lateral clearance to an obstruction from the edge of the bikeway is three (3) feet. These clearances are illustrated in Figure 7-1 in Appendix H of this manual.


    Drainage Grates.

    For bicycle lanes and bicycle streets, the existing street drainage inlet grates may prove to be a hazard. Drainage inlet grates with openings large enough to entrap narrow bicycle wheels should be prohibited in future construction. Suitable designs include, but are not limited to diagonal bars at a 45 degree angle, slotted grates with cross bars or slanted bars transverse to traffic. Long slotted grates with wide (one (1) inch or more) openings parallel to traffic should not be used on streets.


    Railroad Grade Crossings.

    The road-surface height should be within one (1) inch of the track height and the slot between road and track should be less than three (3) inches wide. The cyclist needs to cross the tracks at a perpendicular angle. It is desirable that the track angle be no more than 20 degrees from the roadway to avoid the cyclist zigzagging into traffic.


    Bicycle Ramps.

    Figure 7-9 in Appendix H of this manual depicts standard bicycle ramp design.


    Intersections and Crossings.

    The greatest number of conflicts between motorists, bicyclists, and pedestrians occur at intersections and crossings. Elimination of conflicts where bicycle paths cross a roadway can be accomplished by providing a grade separation, but this is not always possible or economically feasible. Appropriate signs are necessary to regulate roadway users and path users at intersections between roadways and bicycle paths. Some special treatment is required at intersections to minimize conflicts between traffic lanes and bicycle lanes (see Figure 7-10 in Appendix H of this manual for channeling at intersections).