§ 8.5.3. Requirements  

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  • A.

    Time Restrictions and Special Requirements


    Time Restrictions

    The Director of the Transportation, Planning and Sustainability Department or his designee may restrict the hours of construction, repair or other activities affecting the free flow of traffic to nights, weekends or restricted hours due to potential congestion, other construction activities hazards to pedestrian or motorist.

    Daily lane closures on arterial roadways shall not be permitted during the hours of 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, except in emergencies as defined in Section 8.5.2-C1 or situations where it can be demonstrated that traffic flow or safety will not be adversely affected. Traffic lanes approved for daily closures which are not occupied by activities during the hours of 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. shall be opened to allow traffic to flow freely.


    Special Requirements

    The Director of the Transportation, Planning and Sustainability Department or his designee may require that any of the following special traffic control devices, working hours, project layout and operations be imposed on any temporary traffic control zone:


    The use of additional barricades, signals, signs, flaggers, police officers or other traffic control devices or safety procedures;


    That the activity be performed only at certain hours during the day or night or during specified days of the week, month or year;


    That only a specified area or not more than a specified number of traffic lanes, parking meters and/or parking lanes shall be blocked or closed at the same time or at specified times of day;


    That material and equipment used in the activity and materials removed from any excavation be located other than in the vehicle traffic lane of such a street;


    Any other restrictions deemed necessary to insure management of the rights-of-ways and the free flow of vehicular, bicycle and pedestrian traffic.


    Traffic Control Plan

    A Traffic Control Plan (TCP) describes temporary traffic controls to be used for facilitating vehicle and pedestrian traffic through a temporary traffic control zone. The plan may range in scope from being very detailed, to merely referencing typical drawings contained in the TMUTCD, this chapter, or specific drawings contained in contract documents. The degree of detail in the TCP depends entirely on the complexity of the situation, and TCPs should be prepared by persons knowledgeable about the fundamental principles of temporary traffic control and the work activities to be performed.

    If a traffic setup shown on standard detail sheets 804S-1 Lane Closures, Sidewalk Closures and Shifting Traffic or 804S-2 Detours and Flagging Operations, does not address the traffic controls needed for a specific site, then a Professional Engineer registered in the State of Texas, must prepare a TCP specific to the site. A standard detail or TCP which shows the proposed method of warning, directing and guiding traffic, shall be approved by the Transportation, Planning and Sustainability Department, prior to installing any devices on the right-of-way, the following information shall be provided with the standard detail or TCP:


    Activity location, right-of-way and curb-lines, and existing traffic controls of the street sought to be closed or blocked.


    Areas of the street to be closed or blocked.


    Proposed pedestrian and vehicular detour routes.


    Location and type of all barricades, signals, signs, channelizing devices, pavement markings and other warning devices to be used to direct traffic.


    A schedule of construction showing each phase of work, start and completion dates for each phase, and proposed work hours.

    Any changes in the plan shall be approved by the Transportation Division of the Transportation, Planning and Sustainability Department in advance of the change.


    Existing Traffic Control Devices


    Traffic Signals

    If maintenance or construction activities require excavation in the vicinity of a signalized intersection, the Traffic Signals Section of the Transportation Division of the Transportation, Planning and Sustainability Department shall be notified at least three (3) working days prior to commencing work activities. Any damage to the traffic control signal or associated equipment, resulting from the maintenance or construction activity, will be repaired by the Transportation, Planning and Sustainability Department and the cost of the repairs shall be paid by the contractor, utility, agency or department causing the damage.


    Traffic Control and Street Name Signs

    All traffic control or street name sign posts adjacent to construction or maintenance work site shall be protected from damage. If removal of such signs is necessary, the Signs and Marking Section of the Transportation Division of the Transportation, Planning and Sustainability Department will perform the work. All regulatory and/or warning signs that are applicable to traffic shall remain visible to the motorist. The contractor shall relocate existing signs on to temporary mounts as needed to facilitate construction activities. Any sign or support damaged by the construction or maintenance activity will be repaired by the Transportation, Planning and Sustainability Department and the cost of such repairs will be paid by the contractor, utility, agency or department causing the damage.


    Parking Meters

    All metered parking spaces shall be maintained open for parking at all times unless other actions are authorized by the Transportation Division of the Transportation, Planning and Sustainability Department and appropriate permits for the use of the city right-of-way have been obtained. Parking meter post removal, relocation or installation will be done by the Parking Meter Section of the Transportation Division of the Transportation, Planning and Sustainability Department. Three (3) working days advance notification is required when meters need to be removed or installed. The contractor shall be required to provide barricades and no parking signs to block off parking spaces.


    Property Access


    Access to public and private property

    Local access shall be maintained to all properties on all streets during construction and maintenance activities. The Traffic Control Plan (TCP) shall provide for access to all sidewalks, business and residence entryways and driveways. If access cannot be maintained, the contractor, utility, department or supervisor shall notify the affected property owner, resident or tenant a minimum of one (1) week in advance of the pending work unless the work is of an emergency nature. Access shall, in all cases, be restored as soon as possible. To ensure this, the contractor or work crew shall only perform the work affecting the restricted access areas while access is not maintained.


    Access to Emergency Service Facilities

    Access to fire stations, hospitals, EMS facilities and police stations shall be maintained at all times. If work activities require some access restrictions or access can not be maintained, the contractor or work crew shall provide a minimum of two (2) weeks notice, to the affected emergency service facility prior to commencing the work, unless the work is of an emergency nature.

    For emergencies, the contractor, utility, department or supervisor shall notify the occupant of the emergency service facility of the need to restrict their access and shall as soon as possible restore access to the property with steel plates or temporary pavement repairs.


    Steel Plates

    Where traffic must cross trenches, the contractor shall provide suitable bridges. For trenches less than 450 millimeters (18 inches) in width, sheet steel plates having a minimum thickness of 19 millimeters (¾ inch) shall be used. For trench widths from 600 millimeters (24 inches) to 1.8 meters (72 inches), sheet steel plates having a minimum thickness of 25 millimeters (1 inch) shall be used.

    The thickness of plates for trench widths exceeding 1.8 meters (72 inches) shall be established in an analysis completed by a Licensed Professional Engineer registered in the State of Texas.

    The sheet steel plating may be installed in a "surface placement" or "flush placement" configuration. The type of steel sheet plating installation shall be based on the street classification, posted speed and/or anticipated length of time in service. Longer-term plating installations and/or plating installations in high-trafficked portions of roads/streets shall include consideration of "flush placement" of the plates (i.e. milling of the pavement surface is undertaken to insure that the top-of-plate elevations essentially match the existing elevations of adjacent pavement surfaces) to minimize the impact on vehicular traffic.

    In either installation configuration, the sheet steel plates shall extend beyond the edge of the trench a minimum of 450 millimeters (18-inches) but no more than 750 millimeters (30 inches) on both sides. Transition ramping shall be provided for all "surface placement" configurations (Standard Detail 804S-4) by the installation of cold mix asphalt on all sides.

    For safe traverse of plating installations during the term of service, the top surface of the installed plates shall be flat and free of any clips, chains, attachments, weldments or surface irregularities.

    When the plate dimension in the direction of traffic flow exceeds 1.8 meters (6 feet), a non-skid coating, approved by the Engineer or designated representative, shall be applied to the entire surface area of all plates.

    Additional methods of securing plates may be required depending on field conditions. The contractor should avoid using a long series of plates that run parallel to traffic wheel paths. If allowed the length of a series of plates that run parallel to traffic wheel paths shall not exceed 9 meters (30 feet).

    The use of steel plates shall be approved by the Transportation Division, Planning and Sustainability Department or successor department prior to construction. See City of Austin Standard Detail No. 804S-4 for additional requirements and information.


    Identification of Temporary Traffic Control Devices

    Temporary traffic control devices that are placed in public right of ways shall be marked or affixed with a sticker, clearly identifying the name, address and/or telephone number of the individual responsible for the device.


    Responsibility of Traffic Control

    It is the responsibility of the permit-holder for private activities or the job supervisor for public projects to ensure that all policies, procedures and requirements set forth in this manual and the Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (TMUTCD) are met. Each work site shall have a designated competent person responsible and available on the project site or in the immediate area to ensure compliance with the traffic control plan and the provisions of this manual. The competent person shall be required to demonstrate sufficient training in traffic control and competency in setting traffic control devises. Training Certificates shall be provided to the Transportation Division of the Transportation, Planning and Sustainability Department prior to setting any traffic control devices. Training certificates for competent persons shall be good for four (4) years from the date of training. After such time the competent person must show that additional training or re-certification has been achieved in order to maintain competent person status. Competent persons who continually fail to demonstrate competence in setting temporary traffic controls shall be required to provide additional documentation of training.



    Failure or refusal to comply with the provisions of this manual and/or those set by the Director of the Transportation, Planning and Sustainability Department or his designee shall be unlawful and grounds for suspension or revocation of the permit for the work or activity.

    A permit holder or owner shall comply with each provision of this manual, and any other rule or regulation adopted by the Director. No activity may take place in the rights-of-way without first obtaining a proper permit. All un-permitted activity in the rights-of-way will be halted, and work may not resume until a proper permit is obtained.

    A permit holder or owner who repeatedly fails to comply with


    a permit provision;


    a provision of this manual;


    traffic control plans and specifications;


    a traffic control device inspection report; or


    commits a violation that may negatively impact a person's safety and welfare may be suspended from work for a period not to exceed four work days.

    A suspended permit holder or owner shall halt all worksite activity immediately upon receipt of the order from the Director or his designee. The permit holder or owner is directed to remedy any immediate hazards to public safety and welfare, and may be allowed to correct the deficiency that caused the suspension. The suspension period will not commence until all the violations are cured to the satisfaction of the Director or his designee.

    Any activity occurring within the public right of way, for which a valid permit cannot be produced on the site, shall be halted immediately. Work shall not resume until a permit has been produced or issued.

    Notice of noncompliance shall be made on Traffic Control Device Inspection Reports and shall be issued on site to the job site supervisor, foreman or crew leader. Failures to comply with the provisions of this section are punishable as provided for in section 1-1-99(B) of the City of Austin Code.