§ 8.5.8. Maintenance and Inspection  

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  • In order for the traffic control devices to "command respect and authority," they must be well-maintained. Deteriorated traffic control devices lose their effectiveness and the intent for which they were installed.

    Signs, cones, barricades and other devices shall be kept in their proper position, clean and legible at all times. Signs and other devices which do not apply to work site shall be removed or covered. Damaged, defaced or dirty signs, cones, barricaded and other devices shall be cleaned, repaired or replaced.

    Barricades and sign supports shall be neatly constructed and shall not appear makeshift or hastily thrown together. They shall be repaired and cleaned as needed to keep up their appearance.

    Special care shall be taken to see that traffic control devices are not obstructed by weeds, shrubbery, construction materials or equipment. If weeds, shrubs or trees require trimming or removal, such work shall be performed by the person responsible for the installed device.

    Warning lights, if used, shall be inspected at the end of every working day to insure that they are in proper working condition, clean and properly placed.

    It is the responsibility of the job supervisor to assure that the traffic control devices are in proper position and doing the job for which they are intended. Repair and maintenance should be schedule during off-peak traffic periods. Such repair/maintenance includes replacing worn out devices or cleaning signs, cones and barricades. However, if the repair or maintenance is of an emergency nature, such as misplaced barricade or cone, it shall be done immediately.

    Routine, periodic inspection and maintenance of traffic control at a work site is essential. The frequency of such inspection will depend upon the particular job site. Heavier traffic and higher traffic speeds will necessitate frequencies such as every hour or two. However, on a low volume, low speed street, such as in a residential area, two inspections per day may be adequate; one at the beginning and one at the end of the work day.