§ 9.6.5. Design Considerations  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Compact Parking.

    Compact parking spaces shall not exceed 25 percent of the total number of required spaces when shared parking is used.


    Pedestrian Linkages.

    Pedestrian links between the development and shared parking areas shall be specifically designed to assure readily visible relationships between the use and the available parking. Special attention shall be paid to sidewalk design, paving materials, access across internal drives and streets and access within parking structures.


    Distribution of Spaces.

    All shared parking facilities shall be easily accessible to all land uses and adequately distributed on the site to provide the required parking for any use within 500 feet of the entrance, measured from the closest point of the parking facility. For hotel and restaurant uses only, longer distances may be considered if a commitment is made for a valet parking plan acceptable to the Director.


    Reserved Spaces.

    Parking spaces which are reserved for employees or other individuals shall not be included in shared parking unless hours of use are such that parking is available for others to use at different hours.


    Fees and Access Controls.

    Any parking fees and any access controls to a parking area (such as gates or attendants) shall be identified in the shared parking proposal.


    Hours of Operation.

    For projects using the ULI report and software, the hours of operation should be consistent with the ULI peak hour methodology.


    Peak Hour Parking Demand.

    For uses that are smaller than the minimum size listed above, 105 percent of the peak hour parking demand determined under the ULI methodology may be required in order to provide for drivers searching for available spaces. For uses that comply with the minimum size, the peak hour demand determined in a manner consistent with the ULI methodology will be used as the parking requirement.


    Handicapped Parking.

    Spaces designated for handicapped use shall be provided in a quantity equal to the sum of the minimum requirements for each individual use in the mixed-use development as set forth in Section 25-6-475 of the LDC. Handicapped parking spaces may not be included in shared parking.