§ 9.4.0. QUEUING  

Latest version.
  • Queuing spaces or queuing areas shall be designed in accordance with the following criteria for uses as required by Chapter 25-6, Article 7 of the LDC.


    Queue spaces or queuing areas may not interfere with parking spaces, parking aisles, loading areas, internal circulation or driveway access.


    Each queue space shall consist of a rectangular area not less than 10 feet wide and 18.5 feet long with a vertical clearance as specified in the Building Code. Queue spaces are not interchangeable with parking spaces.


    A 12 foot by-pass lane may be required adjacent to queue lines to allow vehicles an opportunity to circumvent the drive-through activity and exit the site.


    Although drive-through activities are not required to be completely separated from other activities on site, the queuing areas should be designed to enable the driver to readily identify and distinguish queuing areas from other activities on site. It is strongly recommended to locate queue lines and service areas towards remote areas of a site to avoid conflicts with parking and circulation areas. Queue areas and drive-through facilities shall be clearly identified with the appropriate signing and marking.


    Queuing areas for service station islands and fuel dispensing pumps shall be designed according to Figure 9-8 in Appendix H of this manual. The minimum queuing requirement dimension is measured from the ends of the service island or protective bollards. By-pass lane(s) are required to provide on-site circulation. Parallel adjacent islands with three (3) or more pumps on each island shall maintain a circulation aisle between queuing spaces or other obstructions. Specific requirements may vary based upon individual site design. Consult with the Transportation Review Section of the Watershed Protection and Development Review Department for specific requirements prior to site design.


    Spaces within an automobile washing facility or drive-through lubrication service may be counted toward the queuing requirement.