ADT - Average Daily Traffic: Average number of vehicles that pass a specified point during a 24 hour period.
BICYCLE - A device having two (2) tandem wheels propelled exclusively by human power upon which any person may ride.
BICYCLE LANE - A portion of roadway which has been designated for preferential or exclusive use by bicycles. It is distinguished from the portion of the roadway for motor vehicle traffic by a paint stripe, curb or other similar device.
BICYCLE PATH - A path or trail, separated from the roadway, which is for the exclusive use of bicycles or, in some instances, for combined bicycle and pedestrian use.
BIKE STREET - A roadway which is officially designated, signed and marked as a bicycle route but which is open to motor vehicle travel and upon which no bicycle lane is designated.
BIKEWAY - A travelway specifically signed and/or marked for bicycle travel.
BUILDING SET BACK LINE - A line beyond which buildings must be set back from the right of way line.
CLEARANCE - Lateral distance from edge of traveled way to a roadside object or feature.
CLEAR ZONE - That roadside border area, starting at the edge of the traveled way, available for safe use by errant vehicles. Establishment of a minimum width clear zone implies that rigid objects and certain other hazards with clearances less than the minimum width should be removed, relocated to an inaccessible position or outside the minimum clear zone, remodeled to make safely traversable or breakaway, or shielded.
CONFLICT POINT - Point at which vehicle paths cross.
CONTRACTOR - Any individual, association or corporation engaged in the business of installing or altering walks, driveway approaches, curbs, gutters or pavements or appurtenances on public property. This term shall also include those who represent themselves to be engaged in the business whether or not actually doing the work.
CUL-DE-SAC - A turnaround to the reverse direction point of a street or network of streets.
CURB BASIS - The distance between the right of way or property line and lip of gutter as indicated in design criteria.
CURB, CONCRETE RIBBON (LAYDOWN) - A concrete curb flush and contiguous with the pavement which strengthens and protects the pavement edge and clearly defines the pavement edge to vehicle operators.
CURB, STANDARD - A vertical or sloping structure located along the edge of a roadway, normally constructed integrally with the gutter, which strengthens and protects the pavement edge and clearly defines the pavement edge to vehicle operators (see Standard Detail No. 430-1, City of Austin Standard Details).
DESIRABLE - A condition which should be met when attainable. Desirable values will normally be used where the social, economic or environmental (S.E.E.) impacts are not critical.
DIRECTOR OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT - Refers to the Director or his/her designated representative.
DRIVEWAY APPROACH - A facility between the roadway and private property designed for and intended to provide vehicular access from the roadway to private property.
EOP - Edge of Pavement: used for determining roadway width where standard curb and gutter does not exist.
ENCROACHMENT - Any structure or device positioned within, over or upon right of way, that is not the property of the City of Austin.
FOC - Face of Curb.
FLAT TERRAIN - Topography conducive to generally long sight distance potential with little or no construction difficulty or major expense.
GRADE - The change in elevation between two (2) points along the vertical alignment of a roadway. Usually expressed as the change per 100 feet or percent.
GUTTER - A generally shallow waterway adjacent to a curb used or suitable for drainage of water.
HILLY TERRAIN - Condition where the natural slopes consistently rise above and fall below the road or street grade and where occasional steep slopes offer some restriction to normal horizontal and vertical alignment.
INTERSECTION - The common area embraced between the projected lines of the edge of two (2) or more roadways which join at any angle whether or not one (1) such street crosses the other.
LOG - Lip of Gutter: used for determining roadway widths.
MAY - A permissive condition. No requirement for design or application is intended.
MIXED USE - A single development containing two or more significant land uses which are functionally and physically integrated and are developed under a coherent plant.
PARKWAY - A subcategory of freeway; a parkway is a roadway which has fully controlled access, no at-grade crossings and no continuous frontage roads; requires the acquisition or donation of access rights; has a generous greenspace buffer between the roadway and adjacent development and which preserves and enhances the natural landscape as much as possible.
PEDESTRIAN WAY - A travelway designed primarily for pedestrian travel.
PRINCIPAL ROADWAY AREA - Areas designated in the Principal Roadway Area Ordinance generally reflective of major arterials.
PRIVATE STREET - A vehicular access way under private ownership and maintenance.
PUBLIC STREET - A vehicular access way designated, dedicated or acquired for public use under public ownership and control and/or accepted for maintenance by the appropriate governmental authority.
ROW - Right of Way: a strip of land dedicated for public streets and/or related facilities, including utilities and other transportation uses.
ROW WIDTH - The shortest horizontal distance between the lines which delineate the right of way of a street.
ROADWAY - A paved area within the right of way ordinarily used for vehicular traffic movement. With curbs and gutters, the pavement width is measured from the lip of gutters; without standard curbs and gutters, pavement width is measured from the edge of the pavement, excluding any required shoulders or ribbon curbs.
SCENIC ARTERIAL - A roadway designated as a Scenic Arterial in the City of Austin's Zoning Ordinance.
SHADOWING - Area of roadway protected from through traffic, i.e., left-turn bay or wide median opening.
SHALL - A mandatory condition. Where certain requirements in the design or application of the guidelines are described with the "shall" stipulation, it is mandatory that the requirements be met.
SHARED PARKING - Parking that can be used to serve two or more individual land uses without conflict or encroachment.
SHOULD - An advisory condition. Where the word "should" is used, it is considered to be advisable usage, recommended but not mandatory.
SHOULDER - A portion adjacent to the roadway contiguous with the traveled way for accommodation of stopped vehicles, for emergency use and for lateral support of sub-base, base and surface courses.
SIDEWALK - A paved area within the street right of way or sidewalk easement specifically designed for pedestrians and/or bicyclists.
TIA - Traffic Impact Analysis; as defined by City Code Chapter 25-6, Article 3.
TRAVELED WAY - The portion of the roadway for the movement of vehicles, exclusive of shoulders and auxiliary lanes.
TYPE I DRIVEWAY APPROACH - A concrete driveway approach designed and intended to serve as access from a roadway to a lot or parcel of land which is a location for a one (1) or two (2) family residence.
TYPE II DRIVEWAY APPROACH - A concrete driveway approach designed and intended to serve as access from a roadway to a lot or parcel of land used for any development or purpose other than one (1) or two (2) family residences.
TYPE III DRIVEWAY APPROACH - A temporary asphalt driveway approach intended to provide vehicular access to a lot or parcel of land; such access being from a roadway not yet constructed to permanent lines and grades or a roadway not having curb and gutter.
TYPE IV DRIVEWAY APPROACH - A concrete/asphalt driveway approach designed and intended to serve as access from a principal roadway area (PRA) roadway to a lot or parcel of land used for any development or purpose other than one (1) or two (2) family residences.
TYPICAL - A common condition; not to be used as sole basis for establishing criteria or classifications.