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  • (A)

    If the city manager finds the taxicab franchise applicant meets the requirements of this chapter, the city manager shall direct the city attorney to prepare the taxicab franchise ordinance for the City Council's consideration.


    In addition to the requirements for a franchise under Article XI ( Franchises and Public Utilities ) of the City Charter, a taxicab franchise ordinance submitted to the council must include the following provisions:


    the period for which the taxicab franchise is granted, and that the taxicab franchise remains in effect for that period unless, on review, the council finds that the taxicab franchise is subject to forfeiture or cancellation for good cause;


    a requirement that the taxicab franchise maintain an active fleet of at least 25 taxicabs;


    a requirement that the franchise holder comply with the provisions of this chapter and all amendments to this chapter enacted during the period of the taxicab franchise;


    a requirement that the taxicab franchise is subject to forfeiture on the holder's conviction for violations of the provisions of this chapter or on a showing that the taxicab franchise holder has substantially breached the terms of the taxicab franchise;


    a requirement that the taxicab franchise is subject to forfeiture if the franchise holder fails to pay an outstanding final judgment that arises out of circumstances related to ground transportation service against the franchise holder or a person described in Section 13-2-403(B)(1) ( Franchise Application Required );


    a requirement that the franchise holder maintain complete records of all dispatched calls, all expenses incurred in connection with the operation of the taxicab service business, and all revenues derived from the taxicab business;


    a requirement that the franchise holder own, lease, or contract for control of each taxicab used in the taxicab franchise; and


    authorization for the department to inspect all records of a taxicab franchise in accordance with Section 13-2-406(D) ( Recordkeeping Requirements ).

Source: 1992 Code Section 8-13-305; Ord. 031106-13; Ord. 031211-11; Ord. No. 20141106-054, Pts. 15, 17, 11-17-14 .