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  • This section contains criteria for determining the extent to which development proposed for a PUD district would be superior to that which would occur under conventional zoning and subdivision regulations as required under Section 1.1 ( General Intent ). A proposed PUD need not address all criteria in this section to achieve superiority, and the council may consider any other criteria the council deems appropriate.

    Open Space Provides open space at least 10% above the requirements of Section 2.3.1.A. ( Minimum Requirements ). Alternatively, within the urban roadway boundary established in Figure 2 of Subchapter E of Chapter 25-2 ( Design Standards and Mixed Use ), provide for proportional enhancements to existing or planned trails, parks, or other recreational common open space in consultation with the Director of the Parks and Recreation Department.
    Complies with current code instead of asserting entitlement to follow older code provisions by application of law or agreement.
    Provides water quality controls superior to those otherwise required by code.
    Uses green water quality controls as described in the Environmental Criteria Manual to treat at least 50 percent of the water quality volume required by code.
    Provides water quality treatment for currently untreated, developed off-site areas of at least 10 acres in size.
    Reduces impervious cover by five percent below the maximum otherwise allowed by code or includes off-site measures that lower overall impervious cover within the same watershed by five percent below that allowed by code.
    Provides minimum 50-foot setback for at least 50 percent of all unclassified waterways with a drainage area of 32 acres.
    Provides volumetric flood detention as described in the Drainage Criteria Manual.
    Provides drainage upgrades to off-site drainage infrastructure that does not meet current criteria in the Drainage or Environmental Criteria Manuals, such as storm drains and culverts that provide a public benefit.
    Proposes no modifications to the existing 100-year floodplain.
    Uses natural channel design techniques as described in the Drainage Criteria Manual.
    Restores riparian vegetation in existing, degraded Critical Water Quality Zone areas.
    Removes existing impervious cover from the Critical Water Quality Zone.
    Preserves all heritage trees; preserves 75% of the caliper inches associated with native protected size trees; and preserves 75% of all of the native caliper inches.
    Tree plantings use Central Texas seed stock native and with adequate soil volume.
    Provides at least a 50 percent increase in the minimum waterway and/or critical environmental feature setbacks required by code.
    Clusters impervious cover and disturbed areas in a manner that preserves the most environmentally sensitive areas of the site that are not otherwise protected.
    Provides porous pavement for at least 20 percent or more of all paved areas for non-pedestrian in non-aquifer recharge areas.
    Provides porous pavement for at least 50 percent or more of all paved areas limited to pedestrian use.
    Provides rainwater harvesting for landscape irrigation to serve not less than 50% of the landscaped areas.
    Directs stormwater runoff from impervious surfaces to a landscaped area at least equal to the total required landscape area.
    Employs other creative or innovative measures to provide environmental protection.
    Austin Energy Green Building Provides an Austin Energy Green Building Rating of three stars or above.
    Art Provides art approved by the Art in Public Places Program in open spaces, either by providing the art directly or by making a contribution to the City's Art in Public Places Program or a successor program.
    Great Streets Complies with City's Great Streets Program, or a successor program. Applicable only to commercial, retail, or mixed-use development that is not subject to the requirements of Chapter 25-2, Subchapter E ( Design Standards and Mixed Use ).
    Community Amenities Provides community or public amenities, which may include spaces for community meetings, community gardens or urban farms, day care facilities, non-profit organizations, or other uses that fulfill an identified community need.
    Provides publicly accessible multi-use trail and greenway along creek or waterway.
    Transportation Provides bicycle facilities that connect to existing or planned bicycle routes or provides other multi-modal transportation features not required by code.
    Building Design Exceeds the minimum points required by the Building Design Options of Section 3.3.2. of Chapter 25-2, Subchapter E ( Design Standards and Mixed Use ).
    Parking Structure Frontage In a commercial or mixed-use development, at least 75 percent of the building frontage of all parking structures is designed for pedestrian-oriented uses as defined in Section 25-2-691(C) ( Waterfront Overlay District Uses ) in ground floor spaces.
    Affordable Housing Provides for affordable housing or participation in programs to achieve affordable housing.
    Historic Preservation Preserves historic structures, landmarks, or other features to a degree exceeding applicable legal requirements.
    Accessibility Provides for accessibility for persons with disabilities to a degree exceeding applicable legal requirements.
    Local Small Business Provides space at affordable rates to one or more independent retail or restaurant small businesses whose principal place of business is within the Austin metropolitan statistical area.


Source: Ord. 20080618-098; Ord. 20131017-046; Ord. No. 20170615-102 , Pt. 3, 6-15-17.